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Everything posted by xStashYx

  1. Link has stopped working If you dont want to get in trouble You can put it in my file share
  2. Link has stopped working If you dont want to get in trouble You can put it in my file share
  3. Link has stopped working If you dont want to get in trouble You can put it in my file share
  4. Hey is this map released yet? Looks great
  5. Do you guys have The Divide?? Its by mxrider i might put it in my fileshare soon
  6. Nope i havnt Got a link?
  7. UFO Landing is the best released mod so far in my opinion
  8. Then Why Did Se7insins get in trouble for having your list of modded maps??
  9. WTF Some of you guys are angry at ***** for stealing your mods but then you guys go ahead and steal ours so that makes you guys just as bad P.S if you had permission from mxrider than im sorry
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