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Everything posted by I AM T3RROR

  1. Wtf why do people keep posting aio's their worthless crap (Well most of them) Theirs just too many of them and their a waste of space, so please just stop posting Aio's!
  2. Awesome I'll go DL right now! Also props to peaches on the new site.
  3. The ESRB does not rate on experiences...
  4. He doesn't know how to make a link, I think... anyways <a href="url goes here">Link text<a/> will get you something like this... IBotModz.net
  5. I AM T3RROR


    To my knowledge it was a mix of hyperstorm, shotspartan, and haxalot
  6. Sean, I dont want to start some flame war thing and get banned so im just saying right here right now, Its been done before Clicky for 250+ Mods --> http://www.ibotmodz.net/phpbb3/viewtopic.p...4&t=4653#p28191
  7. I bet you a Billion Bucks that most of them arn't "Really Good" Like yes modz are cool but I've see 7 or 8 CS mods with mist. Once a mod has been put out do you realy think that people want 3 or 4 threads about it? NO! Also I wouldn't be going on about this if you had just posted the links up first thing In fact I would have tested out some of your mods, but giving us warning is just un-needed so in the future just don't post worthless stuff, please.
  8. Um... That Good for you. I Doubt that their good if you got that many, it's probably just biped here, biped there and oh look a extra elephant...
  9. Hey dude game type mods arn't like usermaps, you can save them with changes...
  10. No weapon is not possible, If you try you will get an AR, How ever if you start with a flamer, just press B. Also Jime could you try making a few game types were you null out movement or jump that could make some cool zombie games...
  11. ... Wow someone has never web devoloped before... Why would you use flash, um ok it looks cool... thats it. Do you have any Idea of how slow that would load, I bet you also planning of using freewebs... Just wow
  12. Cool, I cant wait to see it!
  13. I'll help you out, my GT is BlackOps666kill
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