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Everything posted by iko

  1. iko


    people are saying XSATA was banned perma and that u cant use it anymore is this tru and what about XPORT
  2. whats your GT so i can get it from u or some elses GT so i can get it from them i not muching just bored with halo 3
  3. iko

    My Guardian Mod

    hey would u trade for blackdown or eggtrap i have both and uberly bouncey
  4. iko

    flooded avalench

    i tried getting the map from Devong not on there and evry where else didnt have it
  5. iko

    flooded avalench

    okay seriously every filshare i go to does not have the map so if u guys could post a miror
  6. dude im new here but it would be sweet to have a snowtrap level
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