u guys are idiots its true there going to be an update u will be able to create your own map iknow this because my friends dad works for bungie and i got an email with this video strait from game trailers.com and he told that this was coming out for halo3 sept 25
dude this is real it came strait from gametrailers.com and bungie made a speech b4 this they said that some major changes are coming to halo three this is legit
guys i need help see i got the con resigner finally superasions but see i was xporting stuff and when i modded and resinged it i went on xport and deleted the old nonmoded map off my xbox then draged the resigned modded one in to the file no sign of loading nothing happenned then up at the top it said copy image to harddrive so i clicked that the selected the resigned map and clicked ok after that shut down xport then plugged the hard drive into my xbox then the dashboard showed no profiles found and then on memory it said no storage device found and did every thing unpluged it and plugged it back in several times nothing i would like some help or should i just buy a new harddrive and recover the accounts but will all the memory of saved games be on there or no
i cant get anyone to resign this map plz all im asking is one time its my first mod it on highground its flooded and has extra pipes wich tyler claims doesnt spawn but there is alot of other stuff if i can get this resigned then ill release it http://files.filefront.com/usermap00000000...;/fileinfo.html
its my first mod and nobody will resign plz its on highground extra pipes and flooded + stairway of gate + other stuff like hatcheshttp://files.filefront.com/usermap00000000...;/fileinfo.html