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About xFuryx

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Recruit (1/44)



  1. Peaches you had ought open registrations up, there is a new generation of original xbox modders growing. https://www.facebook.com/groups/LanTunnelTh3Wor1d/
  2. xFuryx

    It was fun.

    IBot, I used to play Kai w/ every mappack I could get my hands on or make every night after school. I too bricked several xbox, but damn was it ever worth it. I have always utilized your site as a resource, and I'm sorry I never contributed. I always enjoyed doing SP-MP conversions, and here s7 and HM gave me that opportunity. Don't forget to give some credit on the HUGE projects that went out the ******* window like CXMP(Or wth ever the Halo 1 custom map delivery system was called.) And remember The Swamp Fox and all the other SparkEdit Era guys who made the first strides? Jesus, I can't believe it's been that long ago. But now 23, I guess that period is over... and it almost seems like modding and customization by the gamers has become so much trouble that it just isn't doable any longer. The community poured more time and effort into those systems custom maps then the Devs ever did... And how did we get thanked? Lawsuits, and a ping limit on the 360s LAN functionality... Maybe when-if- Cxbx emu ever get's completed we could do it all over again virtually on pc with some of our Xbox conn to usb home soldered adapters! HA :] It's been fun guys. You all rocked my world and it was great. LBp xFuryx, I'll see you all on the other side.
  3. What crap... He did a bunch of contrail editing & projectile swaps. Also he swapped the weather for that of a flood level. Peaches you can do hella better then this. The only thin DSF did here that stands out is the hud. Other than that ~ Epic Fail
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