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Everything posted by wackogamered

  1. wackogamered


    i need someone to xsata for me and resgnie for me but im trying to get and con resginer i will give you the maps on my file share and i will give you my email or you can put it on rapidshare or filefront or anther one of those. thanks later.
  2. my frenid sillybob123 knows how to hack gamer score but just not on halo 3
  3. i thinking of making a con resigner with VB but i need all the code and that lot i done a lot with VB and i have the hang of it but i need the code for this one so if eney one has made one with VB pm me and tell me the codes plz.
  4. Halo 3: Voicemail Theater, Episode 13 [youtube:24sungb7]XpsVWX26RwU[/youtube:24sungb7] this vid is $%#^%# gay no sill shocked [youtube:24sungb7]sIakPZ0DJjg[/youtube:24sungb7] best halo 3 song [youtube:24sungb7]lJV202TpGrY[/youtube:24sungb7] are clan song [youtube:24sungb7]AWGJBrZ4HSk[/youtube:24sungb7]
  5. i think i have a trojan and it is slowing my pc down i have read the post by ibotpeachs but i just cant be that my pc uses nod32,ad-watch,ad-aware,pest-pertrol and zone alarm but it has not got rid of it
  6. hi i am make my own programs and the company is called flameware i will be puting links here so you can download some of them it so if you would like to help it would be good well here is the link and no it is not a virus it is a web browser http://rapidshare.com/files/122091393/setup.exe.html
  7. right i herd you could get a flying pelacen but is it fake
  8. do you like the ps3 or the 360 more 360 is the best
  9. if you need a good sig just pm me and i will get one for you
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