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Everything posted by wackogamered

  1. nice one
  2. bungji are ona crack down on all mods my file sare is band becaus of it.
  3. why did you put this here
  4. i got to lots of places
  5. i wish u could get that on halo 3 it would be amazing.
  6. there cool you can make doors with them.
  7. there are new maps coming out soon like Cold Storage i think if this has the orb things that change the colour of the map bungji should make it so only the party leader can put them down post back if you agree.
  8. but how about the resighner.?????
  9. is halo 2 even good ???
  10. dose that make it so you can move stuff around the map.
  11. ok iv got guitar hero 2 and i dont no if it is the game or the controller but the star power dose not work if you could help thanks.
  12. i still like that game.
  13. if you whant a cool xbox get mine iv got the halo 3 one and it looks realy good.
  14. they are pretty cool.
  15. no cus it will be on you hard drive but if you have a xsata its hared to get off.
  16. im nether going to get 50 rep so that means i can not get the ip flooder not fare
  17. this is how to do it the easy way. [youtube:1ozeyiuo]oNjTnUBT-lI[/youtube:1ozeyiuo] well that is it to standbying if you need help pm me. part 1 viewtopic.php?f=76&t=4504&p=27079#p27079 part 2 viewtopic.php?f=76&t=4582
  18. have you got 100 custom maps and you dont want to delat eney well then your in for luck if you have a hard drive a memery unit and of corse a xbox 360 then you can do this firdt thing all the hard drive is full with 100 maps and when on forge you cant save on there you use the memery unit to save to that then go to the dashbored and copy it to the space in the hard drive then you have over 100 maps and yes this works iv seen it work hope this helps.
  19. http://www.hacknmod.com/displayMOD.php?hack=225 go to that link to see it and a lot of auther cool things
  20. Xploder Cheat Saves for XBox 360 features tons of saves for the latest and greatest 360 games to help you get past those tricky stages. Xploder allows you to download the coolest game saves available for your games from the Xploder database, allowing you to unlock levels, have tons of cash, unlock secret characters and much more! The easy to use PC software utilizes a stylish interface and comes pre-loaded with awesome saves for the latest games, all downloadable to your memory card for use on your XBox 360. Xploder Cheat Saves for XBox 360 lets you back-up all the saves from your 360 memory cards to your PC, so you can keep copies of important saves and free-up space on the memory card when required. Pack includes: X-Link USB cable to link your XBOX 360 Memory Unit to the PC
  21. this is the programs you need to standby you. 1.zone alarm pro 2.cain and able and some hardware you need is. 1. a xbox 360 2. a computer (xp is the best to use) 3. a ethernet cabel (linked to the xbox and pc) 4. yourself. i will be doing somthing to show you guys how to and what to do soon. part 2 viewtopic.php?f=76&t=4582 part 3 viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4584
  22. iv heard there is a new program coming out made for moding sceenshots so that will be goood i cant rember what it is called.
  23. i need an ip flooder a REAL ONE if you could get me one it eould help a lot thanks.
  24. the best one iv used is sony vages it is easy to use lots of things to do wuth it and you can get good torrents of it.
  25. there is a good site cooled mrsite.com and it is a good way to make a site i wil keep updating
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