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Everything posted by wackogamered

  1. i can mod them but when i put it to recon it gives me some differnt armor why and can you fix it
  2. i like the clocks they look nice
  3. that looks old and the one i have dose not do a lot so i dont think that will
  4. ok i did that but could noy find it im trting to give a friend the mlg pic pack cus he has not got the right number of ms points.
  5. ok thanks guys
  6. i like this one http://skins.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/7345
  7. have you tryed game type ed
  8. wow i need that
  9. 1 way is that bungji dose not like mods freeeeeks
  10. yes account what ever
  11. what was ibotmodz made with cus it is a realy good site and i would like to make a good site as well.
  12. ok guys what outher sites can i download 360 game saves from exsept from 360gamesaves.com and blueshadowz.info ok thanks.
  13. ok guys i need some help on finding something on my hard drive on xplorer 360 were is the bit were all the stuff witch has been downloaded from the market place ok thanks.
  14. i think this site should now be invt only what do you think.
  15. i have made some mods like 100 flood on cold stor and many more if you would like them i will sell one to you for 100 ms points or something else
  16. ok whats up with all the blocked aios is there spam on there and also you should see sillybob123's new one its prob the best one ever made
  17. if some one could get me a act on that site it would be very helpful as they have some software i need plz B) B) B)
  18. ok this is just to ask what they do sorry if this is in the wrong bit i had to hurry
  19. wackogamered


    there are a lot of spamers on this site and if you are one of them that means you have no life and live in a @#%$ing box and eat s*** so @#%$ing get off ibotz you crack heads.
  20. when the new maps come out every one is going to get recon and bungji is going to get new aromer
  21. thanks that will help a lot.
  22. why did you put this here
  23. that sounds so good. YES PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. but then there will be spam
  24. im going to give out becaus im haveing probs with it.
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