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Everything posted by wackogamered

  1. xsata is the best one and it looks good as well
  2. best song for us 360 lovers and good with halo 3
  3. well then
  4. ok i know you can link you xbox to your pc and use Windows Media Player to lisen to music and s*** but it wont work for me can you help.
  5. im not spaming the game looks good so shut it
  6. i like skateboarding
  7. o cool modded pic nice one that will get people to the site
  8. can use xsata to put it on the xbox ?
  9. wow i like
  10. looks good but its a bit to big
  11. wtf random adds
  12. use divides signer its a lot better
  13. red is the best go reddd
  14. what leaving halo 3
  15. hahaha thats pretty funny
  16. thers a lot of mouther @#%$s on xbl
  17. iv done that it slows you pc down like hell
  18. iv played that map its not very well bilt so go back and make everything starit plzzzz:)
  19. i need help to game save none of them work for me
  20. dood dont even bother u sound like your a noob and you will never get the software so @#%$ off
  21. its edited iv seen how you do but its hard
  22. wackogamered

    The Fall

    looking good im trying to do a good pic cus i got some good pics of cars on yesterday:)
  23. my sister has one and its a pice of s***
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