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About Swordguy8493

Swordguy8493's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. If you could make gametypes with the misslepods and flamethrowers couldnt you make gametypes with turrets and plasma cannons?
  2. Awsome! Thanks xpagas.
  3. I dont have Xsata, damn.
  4. Could you make a film mod of me and my friend and give us comeplete, nonflaming recon?
  5. Theres a glitch to force a receiver into the tube. Once its in the tube you can flip it.
  6. I thought of an idea for cold storage. What if someone used Sandbox to remove the big flood from that tube then put a telepoter upside down (so you wouldnt see it) in the tube so when you teleport in there you would be alone. What ever else in the level is the modders choice. Just an idea.
  7. That looks pretty cool, are you releasing it?
  8. Sweet.
  9. Awsome. Nice job.
  10. The missle pod one is awsome, it would be cooler if it was 0 respawn but still very nice job.
  11. Can someone please mod a film of me and my friend to have recon? If anyone can it will be much appreciated.
  12. Who ever puts those flood things in the yellow liquid everywhere will get my vote.
  13. Is invincibility the only equipment from campaign that you can have on any map? Auto turrets and others would be cool.
  14. In flooded maps like foundry when you go underneath the water you cant see the water anymore. Couldnt you put another layer of water in and flip it so when you look up you can see the water both ways? If you can do that it would be pretty nice map.
  15. Are you ever going to release that?
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