Outfit Editor This will application will edit your avatar outfit. To get a outfit just simply save an outfit in the avatar editor on your xbox and open it in this. This only edits hair and skin color at the moment, but i will be making updates later to edit other values (clothes, features, etc). After you have changed the two colors in this, sign and hash with what ever CON re-signer you use and transfer back to your hard drive. Then go to your outfits in the avatar editor on your xbox and select the outfit that you modded to wear. DO NOT OPEN YOUR PROFILE IN THIS, IT WILL NOT WORK. Screenshot: http://i732.photobucket.com/albums/ww324/austin112345/Image1.jpg Download: EDIT: This was fail, the app works and your outfit does save your colors but when you select the outfit to wear, all it does is change the clothes not the colors.
If you just want to do a basic color here are some examples: Red: FF0000 Green: 00FF00 Blue: 0000FF Black: 000000 White: FFFFFF Pink: FF00FF Yellow: FFFF00 Aqua: 00FFFF Silver: C0C0C0
How To Mod Avatar Skin Color 1. Open your profile in a Hex Editor 2. CTRL + F, Search for "C1 C8 F1" (Hex-Values) http://i732.photobucket.com/albums/ww324/austin112345/1.png 3. The first RGB value which is your skin color will be E6 bytes after the first C1 C8 F1 you have found. The second RGB value which is your hair color will be EA bytes after the first C1 C8 F1 you have found. You can get your 3 byte RGB color values here: http://www.colorpicker.com/. Just insert the 3 bytes it gives you over your existing ones. http://i732.photobucket.com/albums/ww324/austin112345/2.png 4. Save it, then rehash and resign. Note: After you have changed it, you must go into the avatar editor on your xbox and change something and save. It will update the servers so everyone else can see. All research was done by me (SotG Caboose).