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Everything posted by SmokiestGrunl

  1. You sent Homo... its not even an intellectual insult. How is it even funny?
  2. Dark Slipstream is messaging me on XBL calling me a homo.....
  3. I heard, excellent news imo.
  4. I see Twam has caught rabies.
  5. SmokiestGrunl


    So whats happening everyone?
  6. Are they just getting old or they sick?
  7. Yeah, I just don't have any on my computer other wise I would post them.
  8. My dog had to get put down today . He was 14 years old, I don't know how old that is in "dog" years but the vet said he was lucky to get to 10. He was in a bad state and the only other option was to put him on a drip with antibiotics and hope he survived the night. He was a Siberian Husky named Ash.
  9. Thanks this was a big help. Is it still important to delete the first admin user or is that bug long gone?
  10. I want to use the same database for phpbb and also Coppermine Gallery. I used Fantastico to install them both, can I still use the same database or do I need to install them manually to do so?
  11. Halo 2 modding was the best!
  12. I'll check both of those out this afternoon, thanks.
  13. Can anyone direct me to some good Javascript tutorials and maybe some examples that I can learn from.
  14. I agree, but I'm bored so I thought I would do it.
  15. Yeah. I've started doing twitter. I don't know how long it will last but I am bored and I have decided to do it.
  16. I'm sorry, I know that you don't get them much but that lighting was kind of piss weak.
  17. annnnnd...... moved.
  18. I have a few thing to pick with this. You could of just put the scan results in your first post and you should of posted the link to the scan because you could have just edited it.
  19. I would love this. But there are too many subforums as it is.
  20. Breaking Point - Parkway Drive
  21. Looks good. It took a while for me to notice the people blended into the bg. Looking forward to the finished product.
  22. Look s great for your first photoshop thingy, but I don't like how it slopes down.
  23. Credit to: kibito87
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