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KP Romplestein

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About KP Romplestein

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  1. I may be ridiculously confused, but i was under the assumption that this required an xbox that has been modified with the j-tag hack. This tutorial seems like it is implying that one would only need their xbox to be flashed, not j-tag hacked is that correct???
  2. You Forgot DJShepherd's H3MR (best editor imho)
  3. Halo3, he was looking for confirmation on the method stated by Hawk. Sorry, I haven't tried yet.
  4. Wouldn't it be more prudent to inquire as to how he accomplished it? Rather than expect him to give us a profile?
  5. Epsilon you know I luvs you but not once has it been proven that this program converts dev saves to retail. I think it converts retail to retail. (by that I mean it just resigns the save to a different Machine Id and such.)
  6. ddxcb2 just tell us exactly what it is this program does and don't say the obvious "geh it can meks you pleh teh campAign Sevs." please reply. It'll clear up alot of things. And it's beginning to look like Dark Slipstream is right so.......get on that.
  7. go somewhere else then, stop spamming. Your opinion isn't of any importance whatsoever.
  8. I don't think this program converts dev con to retail con, I think the reason Doob E Snack's one works is because it was a dev mod converted for retail previously, and all this program does is sign retail to retail. it's also possible that the resigner corrupted that save by bumping things up a few bytes or something so it's all f****** up. (or i'm completely wrong, just a thought)
  9. I'm going to have to change my initial response to this topic, because I'm now pretty certain that this doesn't work. All the saves show up once you resign it with this resigner, but without any modifications whatsoever. I hope someone proves me wrong, but this is what i've experienced after using 4 different modded saves, they always load, but without mods.
  10. alright, now i'm skeptical again, modded saves don't seem to load any of the "modded" aspects. This kindof sucks.
  11. I know i'm not the most reputable person mainly due to my lack of posts, but i can confirm that this works, although i have not tested with a modded save, I have tested it with the save ddxcb2 posted on se7ensins, and it loaded as halo on legendary difficulty. To use the program for those that say it doesn't work, you must load your own personal file then save Id's. Then open the save that you want to resign and load your Id's, then click resign, then click save. That's it, it's pretty self-explanatory (I wrote this for nubs.) All we need now is a whole slew of modded campaign saves and this could be extremely fun. (in my opinion)
  12. Can someone please either upload some modded saves, or give an explanation as to why modded saves are not public?
  13. No offense ddxcb2, but your grammar is inexplicably horrible making it hard to take you too seriously. But you had stated previously that you "tested" it yourself, if I am to assume that you tested it, I must also assume that you have a modded campaign save (or xxxxxxPersonal file). Why not post it so that instead of having to take your word for it, you can just prove it???????? is that not logical?
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