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Everything posted by trevx64

  1. Show us a picture of your house and Ill go PEAK at it.. lol but seriously noone believes until profe is shown..
  2. I've known about quick since.. 1/1/08 lol he was one of the top 10 first modders.. besides I've been saying "for all we know someone has cracked the rsa and has a .MAP resighner for a while" I never said "someone did for a fact" I said, " Maybe"
  3. Spam much? Your gonna get a post reset if you spam like this, lol!
  4. Moddude you have embeded films on your profile and in the shoutbox, what gives? Anyway nice vid as always ill show you the one on the ark it's really quite similar where all the vehicles disapear you warp and stuff its quite cool, add me on xbl trevx64 ill be on tonight tommorow and until 2/23/09
  5. trevx64

    Dev Mods

    Quickkillo is legit almost all the old modders are, anth0ny562, shade4510, veegie etc. and are further into this than us..
  6. Yeah sorry I was drunk whe I posted that (j/k but i was tired i just woke up lol)
  7. I get glad to usually for trash bags though lolololol
  8. If your asking if I could show you it, yes. But I'm not to good with camera work so you'd have to join me after thanksgiving when i get my ethernet cable. But yeah it's really fun and II acually found this myself. That's the only glitch i've ever found though, and you find an average 4 a week anyways you can give me some pointers sometime and ill try finding glitches for you to make videos out of!
  9. nice program! But are you really new to this site what made you join it if you have such a good site already? To spread your program I'm guessing, right..
  10. no wonder you have 600 posts all you do is spam.. anyways cool but i still have over 120 days of school! Epic Fail for me I guess!
  11. i go on proxys at school.. but is there a way (whenever i use a proxy to go to youtube.com at school u have to download adobe flash player but my school already has it can you make it so it says you still have it so u can watch vids . thanks.. trevx64
  12. trevx64

    The Pit Bound

    Im not sure but I think se7 typed up a post first (obviously you hadnt copied them so if I made a mod like that i'd still give you all the credit for the program..
  13. It's called"Guitar Hero World Tour= Rip off" who'd pay 180 dollers for a freakin video game, I mean please you could buy much better things with that money id only get that for Christmas. You notice video games used to be like 30 dollers not there 60 at min and 180 aat tops 30 was tops for the original xbox and they were good games not as good if you compare them to the 360's though but still they should be 40 dollers for wii and 360 games. I havnt bought one game myself yet because of the proce and don't say "because ur 10 and you dont have any money" i have 900 dollers. Not including my birthday which i'll get more because it's in 5 days aproxximately..
  14. I found a glich on The Ark on getting out neer the scarab I was beside 2 of those Huge towers and i climbed them and there was a beach (just tons of sand and water) on the other side
  15. trevx64


    I was laughing too..
  16. spammy posts and wow thats freaky i got abducted by ALIANS last night it was wicjid scary j/k j/k
  17. trevx64


    O_o that's funny then i thought it'd be nice find
  18. trevx64


    eli i just noticed ur wow itz vinney/scream itz fate i used to play with u be4 u started modding, remember? ~trevx64
  19. trevx64


    do you want me 2 add russia
  20. trevx64


    wow cant believe i forgot that srry that has like teh most people from this site lol
  21. trevx64


    yeah u guys (irish) dont have a drinking beer law either lol beer is a drug and you go ouut of controll when you drinkk it i think you should have and age but england and ireland LOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEE BERRR Edit:lololol srry just noticed double post im not boosting im already vip but where are you from dectatur
  22. trevx64


    do where you are right now or where you live if your on vacation
  23. trevx64


    I just want to see where our community is at and if im right people in England love soccer (like me) and don't have an age limit for drinking and when I say soccer I mean football for those who live in England.. You can post other interesting facts about your country hear!I am from United States of America.Irish people like guinness (Beer)
  24. trevx64

    48 hour code...

    people that play xbox get so addicted.. i havnt played xbox live since june and finally this weekend or thanksgiving ill be able to.. yes!! I get at least 3-4+ messages a week that says the same thing when looking at xbox.com its just sad
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