He means he downloads them, and sends you message. Then you delete them and upload more... Sorry I couldn't do it for you... I've been caught up with school work and club soccer 5 days a week. (Football in other countries)
If anyone could please help me make a youtube intro for a Halo 3 montage! I would highly appreciate this if anyone could. It does not HAVE to be HD. Please include MLGPR0D1G3T1CMLG FILMS and your name (whoever makes the intro. ) Also include In association with thehaloinsider.com and MLGPRO.com. Lastly include, x S4V4G3 3D in a halo 3 montage! Thank you!
Thanks I'll try to work on these editing skills for my next montage! Right now I do not have vegas, I have corel video studio.. Do you recommend a specific cap card... I currently have the dazzle 170.
Yes indeed someone needs to help Halo get back into shape lol.. when you talk to someone who plays call of duty now they don't even know what Halo is.. CoD is a very good game though... Overall though it looks like you put a lot of time into this speech and it deserves and A+. Great Job!
Thanks for the replies I got Mario Kart.. A while back when I posted this, and yeah I got Super Smash Brothers Brawl 7 hours after release on sunday. It got boring fast I unlocked all characters in two days.. and it's not as fun on wifi because you can talk to your opponents and say "u just got pwned" lol.
I havnt' been on.. because of the person who has all the passwords and put it on the internet X( so was a .MAP resighner really released Im confused, please help, Thank you! If so who released it...
A while back I looked at Anth0ny562's game history clicked on someone he played with It said he was a 5 star general but when I loocked at his service reccord he was a corporal..
Good point.. And yeah, BRING BACK THE ARCADE AND THE POINTS SYSTEM.. I got 50000+ points from the arcade in 2 weeks a week later they removed the freakin points system ever since i come on about twice to 3 time a day unstead of like 10 lol