Hello, I know this forum is pretty dead now sadly, but I figured I'd come back on nostalgia road! I am still playing Halo 3 and have an Xbox One for MCC, add me on xbox if you want to play sometime, Trevx64! I also make youtube videos and have progressed a lot with my editing skills! I would really appreciate any support on my channel, youtube.com/trevorsfreestyle, I hope to hit a 1000 further down the road with MCC!
These fag**** just ruined my favorite game. I've already played with autoaimers. Before you know it, bungie is going to be drowning in their fear. good thing reach is about to come out. Will there still be autoaim in reach or is it a different server?
1.) Got my account back. +1 to my day. 2.) Somniak Modz was on that accounts friendlist and I had a message in my inbox saying M2AF I just got a new red ringed Xbox but got console banned, so if I'm not online for ages that's why. ROFL ROFL ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3.) sMART KID WOULD HACK SOMEONE AFTER JUST BUYING AN XBOX! WHAT NOW!!! So I just laught my a** off when I saw that message. P.S. I believe he sent it from xbox.com or something??? Not sure?
Microsoft suspended it now. I'll get it back soon. They should get console banned for unauthorized charges and hacking, both breaking Microsoft's XBOX live contract giving them the right to take action.
I've done all of this I even reported both there gamertags! VeNomz HD is well known over YouTube I believe. iiNSoMNiaK MoDz has his own trading accounts website.. (I did not trade) he somehow got my windows live ID password. I gave Microsoft the last four digits of 1 out of 3 of the credit cards attached to the account. They have already purchased more than 4000 points and changed the gamertag. They are deranking my 47 in Team Doubles, already below 37. Microsoft has told me they would deal with the credit cards and suspend the account. As of now Microsoft still hasn't told me what the gamertag was changed to. If I get my account back I will remove all credit cards from it. Since unauthorized charges were made with the account (using my credit cards) they might be console banned from XBL, since I reported there gamertags and Microsoft has a ginormous data base. They still do have a record of my Gamertag, even though it was changed. I called early enough to let them know my gamertag and email address and credit cards. So I should be able to get my account back, hopefully, as long as Microsoft doesn't pull off a retard action of some sort.
I believe this is the same person as the hacker. Read comments if you want.VeNoMz HD's Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/VenomzHD He has 1018 subscribers! (BTW it could be an imposer) still doing research on his XBL.)
Xbox " We'll suspend it within a day until investigation is over" A day later the hackers start using my dads credit cards to buy points. 8 hours later they change the gamertag...