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Shadow LAG

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Everything posted by Shadow LAG

  1. Actually to correct your first statement. I said you are a bunch of THIEVES and should be banned for STEALING AND ABUSING. Your right its my fault for trusting people. Which is why modders hate the public. Good job at proving my point. You didn't earn it. You stole it and you have no remorse. Thats fine because all future modding will be kept under wraps and you will be hung out to dry. Yeah I am mad that it got leaked and I was @#%$ed over, who wouldn't be? If you invited someone into your house and they stole all your mothers jewelry you would be like. Oh well its my fault? No, because you didn't know, you you would also call the police on that person. The fact that your too lazy and will leach off of stolen stuff just proves why no further research will be given to the public and why the current situation is being dealt with. And like I said who said anthony or I even made this list? Anthony denys making it and I know I didn't so it seems like you people are all going $%#^%# insane. Enjoy your time with the little mods on halo 3 because theres much more then just that and because of the actions of the public and their lack of conscience, there will be no more sharing.
  2. Well well well. Seems like we have a bunch of crazies posting amoungst themselves. Let me clear a few things up for you guys just so you can get your heads straight. There is no jelousy, nor do we see competition, all we see is people running around with STOLEN research ABUSING mods. There is no modding community, you people don't even really make mods, you are using Anthony's stolen research and your complaining because anthony is doing something about it. Not one of you most likely know anything about how to make a con resigner or hasher. Haxalot88 was recruited by me in order to give him a chance to show his skill but he agreed under my terms. He then used me to get to derived7 and then used derived7 and broke both derived7's trust and mine. Haxalot88 is running around with a con resigner that doesn't even belong to him claiming its "his con resigner". Funny enough superasian claimed he had a con resigner too but he was using a XSS exploit that we patched up, so were others of handful of people using haxalot88's resigner. None of you people have CON resigners and if you do its stolen. What give you the right to run around research belonging soley to us then damn us to hell for freeloading of our stolen research. Anyone human would be mad. Now you people are abusing it like crazy and you don't expect the victoms of the theft to retaliate agains't their own programs and research stolen to be soley used for abuse? Obviously you people are getting it. You people have beat it into your heads that we are trying to eliminate competition. WHAT COMPETITION? None of the research you have belongs to you! None of you are smart enough to make the tools yourselves! How is their competition and how do you think we our jelous to retaliate. Ever maybe think its because you people are abusing mods and are using things that don't belong to you? And you wonder why the modding community never shares s*** with you guys. You steal it and whipe your asses with it and everything happening right here is what we warned people about if we were to release it. You are living examples of why the modding community disowns you. You even bend down to petty threats. Because of people like you and outbreaks you have even been shunned from ***** and that place has been locked down from posting because of all the stinch you carry. Also the bungie rule about "its okay to share mods on your file share" thats a legitimate rule because people download them and share them, however there is no okay for MAKING mods, obviously you people need to read the xbox live terms of service. There should be no warnings for bans, never has been in the history of XBL bans, if you are using modified content you are breaking the TOS thus you are banned, microsoft never warned anyone about modified firmware either. And whos to say anthony or I had anything to do with that list? Anthony says he didn't make it and I sure as hell had nothing to do with it. I think you people need to sit down and see the reality of things instead of making these crazy stories to cope with your own sins.
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