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Everything posted by MadModder

  1. ill test rite now even... im bored as @#%$ specially since this aint the old site
  2. MadModder


    any1 here play yugioh if so talk to me or i shall die of boredom because the old crappy ibotmods ownt....
  3. fatwamm you might be right because like it never worked that much for me either but also no i did not post a 1 month gen with a virus
  4. hell no i did not
  5. hey ibot just asking am i aloud to post this if not i take off?
  6. MadModder

    2 month gen

    yo madmodder here with an exclusive offer pm me to get a free xbox live 2 month gen only the first ten people get one
  7. yup that's me
  8. woooooooooooooooooooooh i am back to modding and also just wondering is that b**** ll modder ll or wut ever the hell is name is on this site if so @#%$ you!
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