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Everything posted by cammo540

  1. Wow somthings wrong with you...
  2. Kool FIRDAY the 13!!!!!im gonig to go seed ''The Happening''!!!!!!!!
  3. That the $%#^%# stpidedist s***....damb i hate my dad
  4. I personaly dont like any of theses cuz im not blk..
  5. cammo540

    Gift for eli

    If u would have ever used photoshoped or used paint fading...You'd know that you don't try to make an image,as just cool Fx.
  6. cammo540

    Gift for eli

    ur mental fading...
  7. Right.
  8. srry but i dislike gays way to much for there to be a post on it..
  9. can u give some pics or tell us some release dates..
  10. can u put the gametype on this or your fileshare.
  11. cammo540


    I got suspended b/c a though he was my friend told on me.
  12. I'd do it but im too lazy...You know that!=]and can't do it tonight going to a hot chicks party!
  13. 9,but 8 left im not to on a gay fieldtrip.
  14. Kool im lvl 109 in rs with full 3rd age.
  15. cammo540

    iii KaMi iii

    Well i'll watch out then, thanks for telling me to be carefull!
  16. Lol that was gr8 haha suckes for him lol.
  17. Did u even make it??? It's not the type of music u liten too....you like a song that is wierd..(I can ride my bike with not handle bars.)....
  18. oo when a noob trys to shoot randomly while a bigger noob trys to do mongoose mowdown while fushion coiles and falling...its somithing fading would do.....
  19. no it was copied by and put on forgers4ever
  20. srry i got it of another web ill delete it right now..u problely hate me now....=[
  21. ok ill try =] I finished it, tell me if you think its good
  22. Ya all those games like wow and runescape make people have no life wat so ever...I had to quit b/c i had no life,so now i do sports =-]
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