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Everything posted by cammo540

  1. Well i just greatly apriceate it if i could get thows 2 =-] GT: cammo540
  2. Can u post a link for it..i have the map thats not resinged but that's no good.
  3. LOL sounds funny,u going to release the mod?
  4. Srry i dont have 1 but my friend might,he has everything
  5. Nice,ya probly not a good grade on it
  6. Kool but not the best.
  7. Any1 know when there releasing the other halo war mods??
  8. Nice i love it.
  9. Plz release it!! No good mods have been released for a while!!
  10. Nice when are u going to release it??
  11. Wow lol those ar funny...
  12. cammo540


    Why would u say u have a resinger if u wont help any1 out,and u shouldnt have it inless u know how to mod....
  13. cammo540

    Help Please!

    I can't see the problem its too blurry...
  14. I have a Rs account but theres no1 ill ever let u use it....
  15. If u make it on avalanche then put the lifts in a circle form with the double boxes around them so it will be like a worldpool.
  16. What was the point of that??
  17. Nice im goign to go try it!!
  18. the pic doesnt work...
  19. OO TY for the heads up,ya
  20. lol there so funny1!!!!!BRing it BACK!
  21. that would be kooler than my idea!!
  22. lol he's so funny!!!
  23. sounds kool but, you should race mongooses,and make traps for them to fall into.
  24. I'm going to go see the new moive,''The Happening''
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