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About cammo540

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Private (4/44)



  1. Well i just greatly apriceate it if i could get thows 2 =-] GT: cammo540
  2. Can u post a link for it..i have the map thats not resinged but that's no good.
  3. LOL sounds funny,u going to release the mod?
  4. Srry i dont have 1 but my friend might,he has everything
  5. Nice,ya probly not a good grade on it
  6. Kool but not the best.
  7. Any1 know when there releasing the other halo war mods??
  8. Nice i love it.
  9. Plz release it!! No good mods have been released for a while!!
  10. Nice when are u going to release it??
  11. Wow lol those ar funny...
  12. cammo540


    Why would u say u have a resinger if u wont help any1 out,and u shouldnt have it inless u know how to mod....
  13. cammo540

    Help Please!

    I can't see the problem its too blurry...
  14. I have a Rs account but theres no1 ill ever let u use it....
  15. If u make it on avalanche then put the lifts in a circle form with the double boxes around them so it will be like a worldpool.
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