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DJ Shepherd

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Everything posted by DJ Shepherd

  1. It's open source Library of: STFS (CON/LIVE/PIRS) packages HDD games FATX (xbox memory unit explorers) Profile editing etc etc
  2. I know many people have been waiting for this, it's my lastish (might make something here and there if I'm bored) contribution to the community. http://skunkiebutt.wordpress.com
  3. lololol phail What mattys did did not cause the site to get shut down because he did nothing out of the ordinary that other sites do, whatever legal trouble they are in, i can can almost guarantee its not because of matty, all he did was mod and give tuts on how to mod, if that were the case that it was illegal, then every modding site would be shut down he didnt do anything either, he just added the game wif supermodders tool and then boasted about having all this knowledge which is not true of course xD and finally, no, no one got console banned at all unless they specifically got the achievements early and got caught, otherwise, microsoft has no way of gettings a hold of a members xbox, and plus, it would be microsoft doing something, not bungle, but that being said, its not that big of a deal, his threat was useless and his stupidity amazed me, microsoft is taking no serious action to this at all.
  4. Dark slip, you are totally being hypocritical right now the only reason you dont support him is that the game isnt released? yet you made programs to try and improperly unlock achievements and personally leak supermodders sawces which were to unlock achievements, and yet you are telling us that he ruined xbox live? He didnt ruin xbox live, modders who mod stuff online do, which, if im not mistaken, is perty much every xbox 360 modder
  5. lol wow, this is funny, this isnt "used" for anything the "films" in halo files are bits of data that tell the game where to move dummy bodies and projectiles and stuff, its not an actual film not only that, i seriously doubt it extracts things properly if they are bigger than the first subhash table's worth plus, this isnt used at all to mod "dashboard films," wtf is that? lol no the only thing this would be used for would be just to mod the file... oh but wait, there are programs to mod it without having to extract/inject the files in a container
  6. vanity sucks, the only thing your program offer that others dont is the show date, otherwise all film apps mod the armor to whatever 2nd of all, my app does things that yours doesnt, such as turn teams on and off, change the force color, change ID's for other people to have 1st person, emblem preview, etc. <3
  7. easy put it in a zip file because thats all AIO's are worth and anyone who makes all in ones and are proud of them cant get past that kiddie programming do something useful if you are going to program and make programs that the community would use also, you would use programming language, the 2 most commong beginners language c# or Visual Basic (VB)
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