Wow Peaches you really almost made me cry. Don't get me emotional like that! You probably don't remember me, but I joined around Nov/Dec 2006. I remember AModderGuy/StevenSVE and you both helping me with AI mods (and if im correct, Steven's Coagulation SvE mods). Man H2 modding was a big part of my gaming life, and was one of the prompts for programming, and now, I thank God that Im doing a Computer Engineering Degree (and guess what - programming is my favourite area). Peaches, thanks for this site. If anyone here remembers T Beezies Halo Wars AI mod on containtment gimme a hell yeah. Btw Peaches if you dont remember me I wont get offended (I think I only got up to 200 posts - not very good at spamming ). And yes, programming is much better learnt, and a hell of a lot more fun, by doing it rather than reading about doing it. Look what I did recently: iBotModz4eva
Lol its funny your posting this as I was watching the youtube vids of your mods earlier today on se7vensins. They're lookin good, especially the scarab mod. I thought you could enter the vehicles by using bipeds with the required animations, as well as making the driver seat enterable for the player as in Halo 2.
Yeah thats the one I've got as well, none of them work. But thanks a lot for doing it for me. Hopefully if all goes well, I'll release an interesting AI mod.
Basically, I've tried everything detailed in the H2C solution thread to get the rebuilder to work, yet it still doesn't. I have a fast computer as well, and I've tried it on another computer which has even better specs, yet it still didn't work. So I'm asking if someone from the community with a working H2Core could rebuild the scenario into a map for me. The details of the process is below, but I'd prefer if the person has basic knowledge and understanding of this process. Thanks. REQUIREMENTS: * H2Core and H2Guerilla * The following clean maps (downloadable from ): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. * My containment scenario tag: * Basic H2Core and H2Guerilla knowledge. STEP 1: Decompiling In Edit -> Settings, locate the required mainmenu, shared etc. maps and create and locate a folder for your decompiled tags. Then open 03a_oldmombasa. Click on the only reflexive in the [scnr] tage, then click on Meta -> Decompile Recursively, and let it decompile (leave the program, as it is decompiling though it doesn't look like it is doing anything). When it says Done! you can go onto Step 2. STEP 2: Decompiling the [sbsp] and [ltmp] tags of Now open the floodzone map and click on the reflexive in the [sbsp] tag. Go to Meta -> Decompile Recursively, and wait for it to finish decompiling. Once the completed message appears, open the reflexice in the [ltmp] tag, and go to Meta -> Decompile Recursively and wait until its finished. STEP 3: Decompiling and Replacing its scenario tag Open the and go to Map -> Decompile, and wait until its finished. Then copy my containment.scenario file and paste it into the containment folder in Tag Directory:\H2\scenarios\multi\containment. After you have done this, open H2Guerilla, and open the containment.scenario file in the containment folder. Scrolle down to [structure BSPs], click the + sign, and change the Structure BSP and Lightmap directories to the ones in Tag Directory:\H2\scenarios\solo\06b_floodzone. Then go to File -> Save and after it has shown the saved box, close the program. STEP 4: Rebuilding Open in H2Core and go to Map -> Rebuild. Open the directory of the containment.scenario file in the containment folder through the '...' button. Then check only the following: * Scenery * Machines * Skies * Obstacles * Decals * Lights * Sound Scenery * DECR * Looping Sounds * Death Zone Then click Rebuild, and if it was successful, after waiting a long time for most computers (an hour or two) it should say Done, or a confirmation box like that. However if it failed (like mine), it will come up with an error box, with one error or the other. But for the people who get successful compilations, this should work. If so, I would be immensely grateful if you could then upload the rebuilt file and contact me at with a link to the file, or the file sent to my email address. I don't mind if other people use this file as a base for their mods, as many others have the same problem with H2C as me. Again thanks a lot if you can do this for me. And of course I will release the AI mod to the community once it is completed.
I have a couple of questions before I consider this ( I know I should've used MSN but it doesn't work for me, and I'm not bothered to get AIM): 1. I have an unmodded 360, will these mods work on it (I'm sure they will since it did with halodude). 2. How much would it cost roughly for these changes in the map The Ark: -Pilotable Pelican spawned at the first downed pelican where you see prowlers. -Pilotable Phantom at same area as pelican. -Player biped is still Master Chief, but the animations used for both the pelican and phantom is that of the ghost. -Player is invincible. -Drivable Scarab spawned at area where you fight the scarab. -Driving animation for scarab is that of the elephant. -Spawned elephant where Forward Unto Dawn lands. 3. Is it possible for you to extract models and skins of various vehicles and bipeds in Halo. If so, how much would it cost for the following ripped models (obviously in a format which can be imported into 3DS Max e.g .obj): -CCS Battlecruiser -Assault Carrier -UNSC Frigate -Anti Air Turret (the large one) -Longsword Fighter -Seraph -Shade -Pelican (with full interior) -Phantom (Loyalist and Separatist) -Scarab -AA Wraith -All Other Vehicles -All Stationary Turrets (Human, Missile Pod and Covenant) -Brute (all permutations) -Grunt -Drone -Marine (all permutations) -ODST -Crewmen -All Human Weapons -All Covenant Weapons -Basically anything that isn't in Halo 2 or had been updated drastically. I'm more interested in the extracted models and skins than the actual mod. Post back or PM me when possible. Thanks.