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delta 129

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Everything posted by delta 129

  1. yay mfones staying + rep for you
  2. plz dont leave mfone half of the mods i have i wouldnt have right now if it werent for you
  3. heres my GT: delta 129
  4. you cant change what the guns shoot out and you can only put certain things on certain maps
  5. you should have made this clear in your first post because you never said you couldnt jump to use it. i was wrong but i couldnt have known because you never discussed it in the post.
  6. ok thanks when will you have a chance to give them to me?
  7. oh ok i thought i had to do it that way lol i got scared
  8. im going to try to beat it right now looks pretty cool EDIT: i just completed it heres the link i hope i did it right http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=40690754 EDIT: #%$@ i forgot to watch the video and learn how to do it so i came up with my own way lol dose that still count? if it doesnt ill do it your way just tell me.
  9. i hate that the thing mives around in the begginning i was like "ok close @#$%.... ok got it @#%$"
  10. i like wolf he just looks the coolest lol
  11. delta 129

    My Resigner

    if shotspartan had released "his" resigner (even though he doesnt have one) he probably would have announced it to people on a xbox360 modding website and everyone would be modding.
  12. delta 129

    My Resigner

    sean once you get an xsata you know you need to have someone resign your maps right you know its not as easy as buying an xsata..... i say someone needs to resign for you because this is fake it isnt a resigner just a hoax
  13. delta 129

    My Resigner

    ok thats good that means my virus scanner isnt crap lol
  14. delta 129

    My Resigner

    try to resign a map with it if it works it probably isnt a virus
  15. but if you dont want to void the warranty (if you havent already) get xsata
  16. delta 129

    My Resigner

    i just scanned it but my virus scanner didnt detect anything so i hope it isnt a virus cuz that means i could have a virus and not know about it
  17. that looks pretty cool, i like the one on sandtrap where your next to the egg : )
  18. zombies can still get up there is everyone here completely oblivious to tha "A" button that magicly allows you to what many call "jump". lol it wouldnt work too well unless you put it up higher than the zombies can jump but not higher than the humans can..... anyway very cool glitch but not very usefull because of that magical "A" button lol
  19. i heard hyperstorm resigned tons of modded film clips too but why are NONE of them leaked/released?
  20. delta 129

    Goons Wasteland

    cool looks like a good playable mod ill check it out tomorrow
  21. yay link is up
  22. could you release it on the 23rd? thats my birthday
  23. this is the only released mod that i dont have right now and the map isnt on his filehare anymore could someone put it on theres and post a link?
  24. delta 129


    Good thing you can read. I said i was a great halo 2 modder. I just need to know what i can all mod. READ SON. Lol. Yeah this is a good lesson for us all. Me not to post stupid stuff. You guys not to jump to conclusions. Well, I guess in spite of that post I owe an apology. Truly sorry, and may you pwn many a n00b throughout your modding career Thanks man. I don't plan on modding tho. if your not going to use it could you give it to someone who you trust who WILL use it to make some mods? cuz the more people who can mod the more mods that will be released to the community.
  25. picture section is a great addition i only had like 2 of them
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