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Everything posted by Maddog6
you are a noob. its extremley difficlut to put in stuff from older .map files into newer .map files.... duh
so yeah guys im going to be going to camp to work....for my whooooole freaking summer so guys im not going to be back for a while so dudes with you knowing that im peacing out.... later peace
yep, i just got a wii im pretty happy bit im a poor person until 5/16 so I dont have any games accept the ones i downloaded and all say I need a classic controller, wtf is a classic controller? is it a game cube controller or what?
does this acctually work peach? I know you said that it did but I just dont see it working that well....
ok so all those who think that emulation is illigal is SOME what wrong ok here is the low down: for one nintendo has lost there pattent on the original NES so it is not illigal to emulate these games. now there are ROMs that are illigal to have now the ones are that are illigal for now are game cube, playstation 2, xbox 360 (yes im being serious I will explain how later) but... the thing you all didnt know is that if you have these roms for more than 24 hours it is considered stealing but for one you can not get caught by sighning on to live, 2 you make illigal copies of halo 2 to mod old maps any ways so you are a hippocrit if you say this is illigall and thats not also 3. not like the whole damn swat team is going to come to your house and kill you cause you have emulators on an xbox anyways ha peaches probably wont aprove of this so i will wait for his ok to post HOW to do it because its easy and fun so yeah see ya.
oh sweeny! you got one to? thats sweet did you get a new acc because it still says that you are on the original xbox on my list
Im so happy....that I finnally got one (that works...lol) yeah that was the big christmas present i got I also got rock band which is so over rated but fun. I also got a guitar petal and it has 80 effects to use to change the sound (that makes me happy im adhd) but....im still sad about the other 360 i was fixing....I really was going to be proud of myself for fixing that thing but theres nothing we can do..... but at least i got one for christmas so that makes it ok....I also have halo 3 so if you want to hit me up on live send me a inv, tell me your from ibotmodz and we can hangout my gamer tag is: XxMaddog67xX also.......................HAPPY NEW YEAR
Goodbye!! 56k warning!!! omg don't say i didn't warn you!!!!
Maddog6 replied to SmokiestGrunl's topic in Off-Topic
have fun dude!!!! you will be missed =[ -
yeah this was trash hahah well I go this one and it looks like it loads and then it goes to the menu yeah so I dont know wtf happend
its broken....broken for good. nothing we can do because of 1 little mistake. this sucks we broke it to the point were it wont work anymore because of somthing that was supposed to keep it safe.... but broke it instead im so sad.....I almost had a 360 Ive wanted one since they came out. I bought halo 3 and 2 controlers and everything.....all for nothing. I was able to play halo 3 for like 2 hours before it broke and we started the "360 project" in our kitchen and we were so sure of ourselves, with my heatgun in hand, ready to fix it, ready to get the red terror away, away for good. we had started and it was working fine until we put the oven thermometer in front of it. we were trying to stay safe at a save temp for the heat gun but the solderings started melting at 240 F and then we accedentlly touched the chip with the thermometer and the solderings were flowing so it flew off......then it was over there was nothing that could be done. what a horrible way to go
ahhhh well it doesnt matter anyway I trashed the 360 lastnight it will never be a xbox again........because of my error.... = [
yeah what im gonna do if i can get this peice of worthless crap fixed, is im gonna go buy a motherboard box and a bunch of cool LEDs and put in the hardrive and the power supply and make this 360 a computer looking thing with a bunch of flashing LEDs. oh yeah a see through case. LED LIGHTS= HAPPY ADHD CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well hopfully this works but.... hahaha im not sure but saying goes is that MS hasnt really experimented with this messege at all so what 0102 basically means is error unkown which just leaves us gamers just hanging of a cliff, like wtf do we do you know? but we have found many, many, tuts I will be adding verysoon to help dumbasses just like me solve this problem. anyways back to the point what we have done is gotten some new heatsink compound for the sinks and the CPU so that it protects it from freezing up so that should solve our first problem. second problem is: is heating the compound up to the point were it helps and keeps the cpu protected so basicly it hardens without air bubbles in it to keep it safe. the third problem is that the GPUs in this box are not all the way solderd to the board so we have to take a hairdryer (which is a HEATGUN I just hate it when people call it a heatgun) and get the GPUs solderings to heat up and get better attached to the board so they work also heat the cpu and the bridge up so they work better. so that is basiclly it and if that doesnt work then I will create somthing that does.
well yeah but still that doesnt change the fact that its still shitty
yeah mine is so gay it freezes up and stuff and somtimes wont even turn on to bad i voided the warrenty and opened it
yeah this sucks I figured out that if you get the rings you get a 3 year extended warranty and i voided mine by putting erasers on the GPUs that only worked for a little bit because there is mor than one problem with it
please dont spam my topics with garbage posts
Maddog6 replied to Maddog6's topic in General Discussion
how am i spaming -
yeah i needed halp on my 360 and people spammed my post so now I had to figure it out myself and fixed it but in the futer please dont spame my posts thanks, Maddog
i dont know so if you do tell me
yeah so I got this 360 from my friend ha said it was brocken so i said whatever so i took it home and turned it on and got the rings of death 3 rings to be exact. also I THINK i know whats wrong with it. I opened it up with my dads help and he worked at hp so its ok. we got all the way in and was look ing at the mother board ( after grounding our selfs for static electricity) we noticed that some of the solderings were not connected to the board all the way so we were wondering if we should put it in the oven and what the temperature would be to melt the soderings down with out wrping the board or without turning the 360 into a pile of mush. what should we do?
well no duh dude thats why its in the halo 2 section
yeah this is a list of the people i think are cool Fattwam is gangster, sweeny, legacy,peaches, spartan omega so yeah like this matters im just bored
ok so this glitch is called tank sex or tankflipping witchever one fits you so what you do is get 2 scorpions and flip 1 so the treads are facing up, drive the other one on top of it and when all the treads match up have some one press x to flip them the tanks will go flying around the map. another more fun way to do this is get a wraith and a tank, have the tank drive over a little hill and have the wraith boost and hit it and if done correctly the tank will bounce around the map aimlessly at mach 5 to the point on were you die and sometimes the wraith even flys. I reccomend using overshields and damage resistance because even with those on you come close to dying and you cant enjoy the fluttery feeling of going mach 5. also its also REALLY fun to have some retard board the tank and watch him fly of and die when he hits the first wall. or have him bail when its spinning and he will fly like no other and somtimes the gardians come out for a snack and kill you. lol
all of the controler gliches ok im going to tell you how to do all of the controler glitches the double shot this one takes quite a while what youo do is quikley press R,R,X with the battle rifle and 6 bullets will come out. if done correctly, your br will auto reload quad shotting this takes even longer then the double shot now you press R,R,X,Y,Y,R,R,X and another usful thing i foud is i call it the finishing shot but you shoot 2 or 3 of the normal burst and then double shot and that should kill them sword cancel R,X at the same time nuff said the bxr B,then X, then R BXB B X B SIMPLE AS THAT rocket sword glitch empty your rocket ammo and then get a red targeter on a berson and the press Y X B and R all at the same time double jump have one person on your head and have them jump and at there highest point you jump and then they jump agian bored as heck add more later
this is so you dont load old maps what you do is take one of the xbox game booklets and take a corner of it, and stick it in beetween the x and the o on the disk drive and wait till it stops moving and you wont load old maps
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