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Everything posted by mcntim95

  1. the ability to put AI in forge fighting grunts and brutes on foundry
  2. Are you sure about that? http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=37163037
  3. ||Troy|| Energy Sword Mod http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18642-511.jpg Made by TIMMY!!!!!!!!!! (McnTim95) Post written up by TIMMY!!!!! of iBotModz.net Features: Modded the energy sword into a medieval sword, reminded me of "Troy" that you now put into a "holster" in your leg Pictures http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18642-512.jpg McnTim95 of iBotModz.net
  4. ||Troy|| Energy Sword Mod http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18641-513.jpg Made by TIMMY!!!!!!!!!! (McnTim95) Post written up by TIMMY!!!!! of iBotModz.net Features: Modded the energy sword into a medieval sword, reminded me of "Troy" that you now put into a "holster" in your leg (Not photoshop, http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screensh...x?ssid=37163037) Pictures Video Not Yet Download [My Fileshare isn't working Back up Soon] Mirror 1, Bungie.net Note: All these mods are discourage by Bungie, and can be removed at any time by them. You will not be banned, unless you distribute them. Its like CD's. Legal to own, illegal to distribute. So have fun. McnTim95 of iBotModz.net
  5. now that my friend is ingenious
  6. and im dying to release them, but i cant just release them all without giving them all a fair chance at GLORY SO PLEASE LEAVE MORE REPLIES
  7. once i get a good amount of replies i'll start releasing my other ones i already have guardian, the pit, rat's nest, standoff, epitaph, ghosttown, valhalla, avalanche, blackout, construct, isolation, foundry, narrows, last resort ^^^^^^^but several of these arent very good becuz i dont have good source photos^^^^^^^^^ the hardest part is finding high quality, big pics to edit, PM me if u find any, i like where i can see the entire map
  8. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18063-540.jpg This is "The Pit" with some effects I added myself. Once I get 20-30 replies I'll release the rest of mine. Add me [gamercard:2bxzgwsz]Pat and Tim[/gamercard:2bxzgwsz]
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