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About BungieMod

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Private (4/44)



  1. More pictures??
  2. Then instead of resigner why wont they give us gametype?
  3. Does this really work? I got to get some1 elses opinion..
  4. Why wont Skipper132,Ambi0,sligstorm, and XRyanX13 give away the resigner that gave them flaming helmets?? [youtube:1d3l8ftc][/youtube:1d3l8ftc]
  5. Well today i was thinking in the feature what kind of resigner people were going to make, but while i was i thought to myself (which idk how to make...) I was thinking if some1 could make a program that gets you every halo 3 achievment for you... Then idk about the resigner but its up to you
  6. I bet in like 1 year some1 is going to have a resigner that lets you have flaming recon... and like gets all achievments for you
  7. On sandtrap put one side of elites and phantom and the other side master chief clones and a pelican....
  8. Halo 3 - Flaming Recon Mod [youtube:15352c6d][/youtube:15352c6d] Description Me (SligStorm) and XRyanX13 are waring Flaming Recon in this video. Video made by SligStorm
  9. How do you think michinama on youtube got his recon armour? He got it from his videos....
  10. Just so you know 750 gamerscore (for halo 3) does not unlock secuirity armour...
  11. Elites Ascetic Head = Steppin' Razor Shoulders = Overkill Body=Up Close & Personal Commando Head = Overkill Shoulders = Killing Frenzy Body = Triple Kill Flight Head = Complete, Heroic Shoulders = The Ark, Heroic Body = Tsavo Highway, Heroic Spartans EOD Head = Complete,Legendary Shoulders = The Ark,Legendary Body = Tsavo Highway,Legendary EVA Head = Complete,Normal Shoulders = The Ark,Normal Body = Tsavo Highway,Normal MarkV Head = UNSC Spartan Rogue Head = Spartan Officer ODST Head = Spartan Graduate Scout Head = Used Car Salesman Shoulders = Mongoose Mowdown Body = To Close To The Sun Security Head = 1000 Gamerscore Shoulders = Marathon Man Hayabusa Head = All Skulls (13) Body = Collect 6 of the Skulls Shoulders = 9 Skulls Recon Head = Work for Bungie + Impress Bungie Shoulders = Work for Bungie + Impress Bungie Body = Work for Bungie + Impress Bungie Katana 1000 Gamerscore + All Skulls
  12. Thx For maps hard to find
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