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About xmarcox

xmarcox's Achievements

Private Grade 2

Private Grade 2 (5/44)



  1. should i begin banned for doing this?
  2. Ok thanks link Removed
  3. I found something... it's a 6.36GB .ZIP file... EDIT: FAKE i'm downloading it.. but I think it is a fake... but i still belive it xD
  4. can someone send me a beta code?, sorry for this, my halo3 odst copy is broken >.< and this glitch to get a early reach beta code doesn't work for italians...
  5. really does it work? any legal risks?
  6. is it LEGAL O.o???
  7. does not work, i found the italian marketplace link too and still does not working
  8. great contest. thanks for all
  9. nice
  10. SORRY FOR DOUBLE POST there is an error in full editor
  11. new error -.- wtf >.< vidmaster flags required o.O????
  12. ok today is 21 of september look this page http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/default.aspx?player=XdarKillerX94 but my recon isn't unlock QUARY FAILED do you think when 22 of september come out i will unlock the recon armour?
  13. The rumor is true. i have unlocked all halo 3 odst and halo 3 vidmaster (whitout achiviaments boosting)and my recon isn't unlockd results are: ROAD TO RECON FAIL: QUERY FAILED
  14. xmarcox

    CON View

    I have used 360-Reality. I still use it 360 -reality is better and faster
  15. good job but the xp modder don't work for me
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