Ive been getting creepy stalker texts formt his number and i lost my text spammer thsat was posted on the vip forums a year ago sao if whoever posted it (melo i think) can use it on them for me it would be much aperciated. Please if u have a text message spammer or w/e **** with his number please 732-779-1042 sorry for spelling its 3 am
Sry havent posted in abougth a year Lulz well here ya go the latest dev from m$ themselves http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2009/03/24/...-only-gdc-2009/ This quote was taken from assembler Originally Posted by phate I'm curious why this thing has the XNA logo plastered all over it... none of the other dev/test kits have that... maybe its going to be a retail dev kit ala Net Yaroze. Possibly tuned to only run XNA code or (IMHO more likely with the extra ram) the OS has been generalized so that you can code XNA on the xbox 360 kit itself and skip the standard XDK stuff (partnernet, neighborhood, etc). in anycase: WANT!!!!1111 if this ends up anywhere where I can get my hands on it, I'm going to get it, even if it costs me my left nut, my cat, and my nonexistent girl. read the last sentence of that its funny XD
Actualy i didnt take that pic those were the pics from the seller i bought from ( i was in a bidding waR and got 4 cheep so im re-selling ) but anyway 275 discluding cables and 300 including the cables
well then ur just abought beat abought the flashed thing i dont know how to flash a drive and i probly never will i understant the xbox's hardware well,... not its software
NOTE: none of these items have there drives flashed and prices are negotialble i can ad av cables+ power brick for and extra 50$ to the first console ok. Items will be listed on ebay as of these dates, the first xbox will be listed tomoro, the second on wednsday ( happy bidding ) *********************************************************** Well here i am selling case modded xbox's list will be updated I will sell through ebay pay pay only if u would like to buy ************************************************************ Xbox360 w/h clear blue case and blue leds (250$) { no cables included core only } http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=220262785498 ^pics^ http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg177/skipper132/0726081814.jpg http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg177/skipper132/0726081814a.jpg http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg177/skipper132/0726081814b.jpg Xbox360 with custom snake case mod + maching 20 GB hdd {includes av cables & power brick} (300$) ^pics^ http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg177/skipper132/Photo0255.jpg http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg177/skipper132/Photo0256.jpg Note: none of these consols has ever had the red ring problem they have only been open to be modded ( i wish that were the same for my flashed xbox ) this money is going twards a reviewer kit if anyone can help me with them contact me