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spartan 117

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About spartan 117

spartan 117's Achievements


Recruit (1/44)



  1. if u want to join plz send me friend request i live in Baton Rouge and im without power but im at a cousins house in new orleans without my xbox 360
  2. fatwamm ill probably except u sorry im only a 1 in mlg my other account is a 43 in it oh and both of u send me friend request i need to test u out decatur and fatwamm i need to stay in contact with u
  3. Hello i recently joined pro circuit. I am not planning on going to tournaments but i do want to make a team for MLG Playlist. No team name so far. GT= MLG Hawkeye777 need 5 more recruits/3 main players and 2 backup will make team name depending on what team thinks. For those who have seen me b4 yes i was in team T- Bag but there leader really pissed me off and i left thre team. And ever since people have been leaving with me. So plz post here if u want to join. Members so far MLG Hawkeye777 = me fatwamm = probably still need 3 more members Only requirement 40+ in any playlist and good team player No there will be no minimum team practice time but plz fit in as much as possible.
  4. what about the recon gametype
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