Um did you guys find out the other armor in halo 3 i was lokking at a bungie member and he had BUNGIE BODY but with the katana on his back? Is that some new kind of armor?
Map:Zanzibar Mods:Pelicans(drivable) at the beach, the energysword looks like a lightsaber, battlerifle is green, smg changed into a uzi, Wharthog has spinners and its all glass windows [no open] and its orange, The map has two hunters(jackals,andgrunts)The assoult rifle lokks like a snowball gun that shoots snowballs. Scenery: Snow and the water at beach ice, street lamps along the road. Thankyou for looking at my request for a mod and if you make it thankyou Please make this into a mod i think it will be awesome. If someone makes it i will make the name snowybar
yeah release it then everybody will know you a modder and you will get all the mods that are not released release it please heres a band to make you release it
you forget the one on sandtrap with eggs and the new pit one ? unless its non released