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About ylli101

ylli101's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. I made this in my free time i know i look badass so please tell me if its good http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3001...45#pid=30021857
  2. Um did you guys find out the other armor in halo 3 i was lokking at a bungie member and he had BUNGIE BODY but with the katana on his back? Is that some new kind of armor?
  3. Thanks to Mfone and iBotPeaches the mods on this topic will live for ever THANKyou Mfone And iBotPeaches
  4. Map:Zanzibar Mods:Pelicans(drivable) at the beach, the energysword looks like a lightsaber, battlerifle is green, smg changed into a uzi, Wharthog has spinners and its all glass windows [no open] and its orange, The map has two hunters(jackals,andgrunts)The assoult rifle lokks like a snowball gun that shoots snowballs. Scenery: Snow and the water at beach ice, street lamps along the road. Thankyou for looking at my request for a mod and if you make it thankyou Please make this into a mod i think it will be awesome. If someone makes it i will make the name snowybar
  5. i will join GT oXSuPaMuFfInXo
  6. Hyperstorm is right it costs a little more $ for month.
  7. How did you get flaming recon? Could you tell me if its a glitch cause i been wanting it. Oh yah the 2 mod was the best
  8. No its costing the same for the old iphone because it costs for the internet and extra stuff is the same price as the old one iv heard
  9. idk how to download halo 2 mods to my 360 can someone tell me
  10. yeah release it then everybody will know you a modder and you will get all the mods that are not released release it please heres a band to make you release it
  11. this map would be awesome but you know you need a dev kit but it would rock
  12. i want to get it sooooo bad but i dont know release date
  13. yah
  14. yah they must of photoshopped or something http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/21642-331.png
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