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Gaming Royalty

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Everything posted by Gaming Royalty

  1. Can This Thread Be Considered Spam? If So I Don't Wanna Post In It. http://i531.photobucket.com/albums/dd357/Gaming_Royalty/1223935586412.gif http://i531.photobucket.com/albums/dd357/Gaming_Royalty/tompenny.gif http://i531.photobucket.com/albums/dd357/Gaming_Royalty/OrangeCrasher.gif
  2. I was thinking of using it on a silver account. Can they still trace that?
  3. Looks cool, i wanna play this so badly!
  4. What do you mean by that? You mean if something happens to the source account then it will happen to me?
  5. Matchmaking, He made a post about it a while ago.
  6. lolwut
  7. Pretty kick ass.
  8. Please use full words in your tuts. it r not kewl if j00 rite liek dis d00dz. ur liek teh n00bszx if j00 rite liek dis.
  9. Seriously guys, I could get Castle Crashers and Halo: CE For free right now!
  10. Looks cool, text is too small though. :/
  11. If you do the second profile glitch to download an arcade game can my profile and/or console get banned? Just want to be on the safe side of things.
  12. It's a nerdy/programer way of how to pick up women.
  13. lolwut
  14. Yeah I read that too, Thanks GOD i've never modded anything before!
  15. Well i'll just wait untill the update happens and if no one ever gets banned then i might mod.
  16. Do you think Microsoft or bungie will ever ban all the modders either off of matchmaking or all of xbox live? I want to know if I will get banned for modding because if I will i'm never going to mod.
  17. Are you sure? Codejunkies said to use it on xbl at your own risk.
  18. Can you get banned for using the Unlimited Health profile and/or the Instant Reload Profile?
  19. I go there and look up Halo 2 and its a error page! EDIT: Never mind the sites back up.
  20. Does anybody have it or can make it and send it to me? I want the one simialr to the one that jump tactics used. Also one with no HUD and wepaon and a site that has a ton of AR Saves? KTHXBYI
  21. Does the same thing go for modded gametypes such as the no weapon mod?
  22. When i get the temp ban will i be able to play mods with my friends on customs?
  23. If i mod Halo 2 on an xbox 360 and don't go into matchmaking will i still get banned from xbox live and/or matchmaking? And also you mod by putting the modded map on your hdd by xsatain' it right?
  24. Not to sound like a newbie or anything, but how do i make this work on my xbox just resign it and just put it in?
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