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Gaming Royalty

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About Gaming Royalty

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  1. Can This Thread Be Considered Spam? If So I Don't Wanna Post In It. http://i531.photobucket.com/albums/dd357/Gaming_Royalty/1223935586412.gif http://i531.photobucket.com/albums/dd357/Gaming_Royalty/tompenny.gif http://i531.photobucket.com/albums/dd357/Gaming_Royalty/OrangeCrasher.gif
  2. I was thinking of using it on a silver account. Can they still trace that?
  3. Looks cool, i wanna play this so badly!
  4. What do you mean by that? You mean if something happens to the source account then it will happen to me?
  5. Matchmaking, He made a post about it a while ago.
  6. lolwut
  7. Pretty kick ass.
  8. Please use full words in your tuts. it r not kewl if j00 rite liek dis d00dz. ur liek teh n00bszx if j00 rite liek dis.
  9. Seriously guys, I could get Castle Crashers and Halo: CE For free right now!
  10. Looks cool, text is too small though. :/
  11. If you do the second profile glitch to download an arcade game can my profile and/or console get banned? Just want to be on the safe side of things.
  12. It's a nerdy/programer way of how to pick up women.
  13. lolwut
  14. Yeah I read that too, Thanks GOD i've never modded anything before!
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