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Everything posted by MrTwiggy101
Hey guys. I am getting ready to leave really soon for a camping trip, and I will be back on sunday. But before I go, I wanted to post this and when I get back, I can check out the feedback and decide whether or not to do it. I was thinking about making a maze like map. But it is a race. Everyone spawns, and its a race to the end. But it is a maze and obstacle course type map, where I would be traps down, like pallets, some you can walk over, some, when you over over them, you fall through and land on a tripmine and die. Anyways, just post back and whether you want to see it or not, and even your ideas. -Twiggy
Hey everybody. The maps have been signed and PMed to the makers. But I am about to leave soon for a camping trip, I will be back on sunday. MAYBE saturday. So when I get back, I will search through the posts and pick the good ones and I will get them signed!
How does that prove that Hyperstorm is Haxalot...Also, Hyperstorm is not Haxalot.
Hey guys! The maps are resigned, and I am sending you them via PM right now!
I have decided to choose you for right now. For three reasons. The first being, you were really the only person to actually explain to me, why I should pick you, like I stated in my post. Second, you are one of the few people who used correct grammar and spelling, while there was a few mistakes, nothing major. Third, I am really intrigued and I wan't to see how it plays out! Expect it to be resigned, hopefully by tonight or tommorow. I also chose you, for only 1 reason. I will go ahead and quote it, ''im good with these programs (im asian).'' That really just made me laugh! Expect it to hopefully be done by tonight or tommorow. Yungbol, just because I didn't reply back to everyone within an hour of their post, doesn't mean I just posted and left. My internet started acting up last night, so I didn't really have a huge chance to post back. If I don't post or reply back to anyone after three days, then you can post that up there. Also, in the testers thread, why would I reply back if I don't need testers yet? I am creating the list, and once I finish my mods for the map pack, I will have them tested. To everyone else, just because I already chose two people, that doesn't mean I won't choose someone who already asked, or someone who will ask. I didn't have very much time, and those two just caught my attention. Later today, I will go through them all again and maybe choose 1 or 2 more. Have a nice day. -Twiggy
You can't spawn 100 of a certain item. I will give you an example. Let's say, you can only spawn 32 crates. So, if you in forge, put down 100 spawns, swap them all with crates, when it gets rehashed and resigned, once you load it up, only 32 of those spawn points would have turned into crate. All the rest of them will just turn into nothing. But if you take an item that you CAN'T spawn normally in forge on that specific map, I.E the yellow security light on foundry, then you can spawn as many as you wan't, because there is not set limit on them because they aren't in forge.
Hey guys, this is MrTwiggy101. Right now, I have someone who is resigning for me. Don't waste your breath, I am not going to tell you who. But! Since I havn't been getting my maps resigned lately because of exams and my modded map pack which will be HUGE! Anyways, I figured, for right now, since I am not getting any of my maps signed right now. I might as well help out the community in some way untill this map pack is done. Before I start, I am going to say a few things. I have the personal choice to choose anyone I want. I don't want people going into temper tantrums if I get one map signed for them and then I say no more. I don't want people to go into temper tantrums if I get someones map signed more than once and not theirs. Basicly, this is a gift, NOT a right. I am not required to do this, so don't get angry and ruin it for anyone else, and don't abuse it. Be grateful. So now, onto the good stuff. How this will work, is first, you need to make the map in forge, get it Xsata'd, hex edit it, THEN post. Don't post about a map you are working on. Make sure it is ALREADY done and just needs to be rehashed and resigned. What you do, is post in this topic, and describe the map, and why you think I should pick you. I am going to say now, the people who havn't had any maps resigned yet, will have a better chance than the people who have. Sell your map to me (I don't mean that literally), make me want to sign it for you so the community can benefit from it. One last thing, if I do this for you, you must obviously give me the map, and I must be able to give it to anyone. While, I am telling you right now, I will most likely not give it to anyone, because if you ask anyone, I leak without a persons permission. I don't want to be held to that if the person is selfish. If you don't like it, find someone else. PS: I am sorry if that sounded like I was angry or mean, but I am just trying to show that I am doing this for you guys, and I don't want to get any s*** for this, thanks, have a good day.
Hey guys. This is MrTwiggy101. Sorry that there I havn't been releasing any mods lately. I am currently working on a HUGE modded map pack, and I have had exams for the past week. Tonight I will be releasing a CTF playable mod. Sorry again. -Twiggy
Hey everybody! This is MrTwiggy101. Right now, I have been making more playable mods, and with that, I need to test them out to make sure I get the perfect settings for them. So right now, I will be making a list of people who want to help me, then, whenever I am goign to test out the map, I will send you all invites. How this will work, I will send out invites, people will join. I start up the game, we play, it ends, I will go through the list and ask people for their suggestions, if enough people say one thing that needs to be changed, I will change it and see how it plays. In order to be on the list, you must be online ALOT, you must be able to stay for atleast 1-2 hours, and you must be mature. I don't care if you are 10 years old or 33 years old, as long as you actually wait and when the game ends and there isn't 10 people saying what they want changed all at the same time. Also, this is NOT an opportuniy for people to bug me about how to mod and if I can get their maps resigned. This is STRICTLY to make the best modded maps possible for the community. If you want to be on the list, simply post your gamertag, I will add you to a list, and whenever I need to test the mods, I will invite you.
This is how I made it. I has a person standing on that ledge place. Then someone was behind him on BR tower, he shot off into the distance out of the map, and when it hit the end barrier, it ended. That was how I made it. It was with a spartan laser.
I lied to them But only them. I never lied to anyone else about have the resigner. Tyrant had confused me, and I accidently said I had it, but then I didn't want to say I didn't, lmao
Hey guys, this is MrTwiggy101. I have been looking at some of these tutorials, but they just don't seem to do it. I would be willing to help out the modding community by making a full-blown video showing everything you need to do to mod. That includes fast-forwarded footage of me making the map, modding it, getting it resigned, etc... And I would add in bits which these other text tutorials just don't cover. Stuff that I didn't know when I started out, and I know how it feels to not know anything, and it can be quite intimidating. But I wan't to know before I start, do you guys want it? There is no point in spending my time and effort if there aren't people who will progress and become better/learn how to mod. So please post here, telling me, if you want me to do it, or if you think the tutorials out now are good enough. Thanks, Twiggy
I do have someone resigning for me. That's why I said I don't really need it. But it would be nice to have it BTW: I am not paying money to buy it. I have something better Also, pimpin tyler,you act as if I am saying ''Omfg. Can I plz hav da resigneeerr for fffreee?!??!!?'' I am offering something that people would like.
Hey guys. Right now, I have something that is worth while. While I don't NEED someone to sell me the con resigner, it would be nice so I don't have to have someone resign them for me I don't leak stuff, you can talk with me before it. Must be non-server, or else it is useless to me. AIM: i Twigster i MSN: Skate_Ty10@hotmail.com Also, to clear something up. If I do get it, I will be resigning a few things for people. I won't give it to anyone, but I will resign for a few people. If you have a problem with that, don't contact me.
Hey guys! This is MrTwiggy101. Right now, I am asking YOU for your suggestions on what YOU want to see. Do you want to see a modded CTF game? A random mod with clones? What do YOU want to see! Tell me, and if enough people agree, I will make it for you guys
Thanks for the positive feedback. Make sure you tell me if you guys like it once you download it!
Hey everyone! Before I start, I wan't to say, I appreciate any and all feedback and constructive criticism. I don't mind if you don't like them, or even hate them. Put instead of posting ''lololololololololol......gay'', it would make it much easier on me to make better modded maps for everyone if you would say ''lololololololol....gay....Because I feel that you could have put more tripmines, etc...''. Ok, also, remember, if you wish to see more maps, then post. It is alot more personally encouraging to see people posting how they appreciate the work I put in for them But just downloading and rating 5 stars is just as good! Now, second off. I did mod each and every one of these maps. But I would like to give a special thanks to Nox13666, iliketunapaste, xMr Miyagixx, and the rest of my clan 'All-Star Modders'. Within this map pack of mods, there are 6 mods. Course Mod #2, Path Of Gates, Ambush Mod, Epitaph Clones, Waterfall Mod, and Power Pulse Mod! Now, before I get onto the screenshots and then the link. I would like to say what I have modded. I will start off with the Waterfall Mod on Construct. On this, it's pretty simple. There is a gigantic gray waterfall in the distance of the map. The next one, is called Course Mod #2. It is a longer, harder, and better Obstacle Course than the first one. The mods on this one are simple. When you start out, there are active tripmines already set. Try to get to the oddball and win! Also, I highly recommend using the Obstacle Course Gametype on Slot 3 of my fileshare, or else the spawning won't work. The next mod is Path Of Gates. This is pretty self-explanitory. It is a mod on highground, with a long path down to the beach made of gates. The next one is the Ambush Mod. The ambush mod has a hefty amount of elite clones, 6-8 gigantic doors, 5-10 yellow blinking lights, and 8 shining god lights! The next one is the Epitaph Clones mod. This one is pretty basic. There is around 50-70 spartan clones lined up facing an elite clone. It was themed to look like they are worshiping him. There are also some elite clones that fly across the map in the beginning. And last but not least, the Power Pulse Mod. In this mod, every 50 seconds, around 5-10 blue power pulses shoot out in different directions! Well, I sincerely hope you enjoy these maps. Now, onto the screenshots! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16967-576.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16967-577.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16967-578.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16967-579.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16967-580.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16967-581.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16967-582.jpg Now, to download these maps. Follow the link to my fileshare, sign in with your windows live id, and click download! (Don't forget to rate them 5 stars ) http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileS ... rTwiggy101
I really don't care whether you think it is close to being overloaded or not. If you actually played the map, you would see the gun disappears and certain angles and there are other signs that it is close to being overloaded. Simply coming into my thread when you had earlier said empty threats about 'hacking' me and such, and then advertising for your mod....Wow..
Yeah, they were supposed to be shades.
Hey everyone! I just wanted to start off by saying, I modded this map. So this is in NO WAY leaking at all. I am choosing to publicly release the map. Now, while some may think it suck. Some may think it is 'meh', a minority may think 'OMFG ITS SO AWESOME!!11!', this was my second mod. While, in this one I did try to make a somewhat good looking mod, I did mess up on a few things. For example, for some reason the mongoose did not turn into a banshee, and the crates didn't become shade turrets (Although, I think it is because the map is VERY close to overloading. Play it, and you will see why ) Anyways, onto the good stuff. On this map, I have modded a variety of things. If you are host, you get to see a special selection of icicles on the dark side of the map (Screenshot below) There is also quite a few needler ammos on both railings (Screenshot below). There is also around 100-150 clones, there is an even distribution of spartans and elite on each side of the map, I mainly did this because I like my mods to have themes as you will soon see. This one was based off of a war-type theme, others, may be worshiping, etc.. I also put a few oracle clones on the map. Also, below the map on the ring, when I was making the map, as a joke, Mr Miyagi and iliketunapaste put 4 spartan clones in the green electricity lights, and last but not least, there is a hornet on the light side of the map. I hope you have fun! Now, onto screenshots! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16815-589.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16815-590.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16815-591.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16815-592.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16815-593.jpg To download it, you can follow the link, it will be on slot 6 on my fileshare http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileS ... rTwiggy101
SpartanOmega, you are acting as if he chose to make it non-forgable. I believe, while I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure you can't forge and mod the sky around in Forge. It isn't in a tag that says ''Fog'', it is the sky.
Okay. I will try to respond to each person's comment/question. I am not sure why you felt you had to do that without leaving any reason or constructive criticism. Although, I believe that you are RepaidReaper from *****, who posted the exact same thing at the starting of his quote. Except he actually put a reason... And there you have it! Thank you very much, I appreciate the positive feedback. In this particular mod, no, they do not respawn. But it can be done. But as said in the first post. I wasn't sure if just 40 mines would overload the map. So I will test around with that and I will get back to you. I am not sure if you are talking about this particular mod, or in general. On this mod, you CAN make the active tripmines respawn after a certain set time. For example, lets say I wanted people to spawn, then, 10 seconds later, the tripmines spawn, that is possible. But I don't believe you can make a mod in which, you throw a tripmine, it is dull for 10 seconds, then becomes active. Also, I don't think, right now, it is possible. Maybe with a Hybrid 360. I want them too The Found Machine is a map I made. If you play it with the Cloning gametype, when you spawn, go inside the shield doors and get hit by the soccer ball, you should have no shields, then go to one of the turrets, get on it, then detach it. You will die, but there will be a clone of you. The Troop Hog variant is map I made for my glitching clan. You can go to the video link right after this and there will be a tutorial on how to use the map to ride the troop hog! Also, if you want to see a tutorial on how to clone yourself using the Black Machine and Found Machine, go to this video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1fDHj6kGAk I would like to make a quick note. That is my glitching clan. My modding clan is ''All-Star Modders'' with me, Nox, William, Kenadian Halo, iliketunapaste, Mr Miyagi, and a couple of more people. Cool, I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to post your feedback and opinion! ;D
Hey everyone! I just wanted to start off by saying, I modded this map. So this is in NO WAY leaking at all. I am choosing to publicly release the map. Now, onto the second part. While this may not appeal to some, it was first and for most meant mostly for a test. I wanted to test two things, the properties of an active trip mine, and how many I could put without overloading the map. Also, this is just meant as a fun game. Something to play with your friends a couple of times when your bored, even by yourself on the down time. I will be making more harder, and complex obstacle courses/fun game maps with mods, if I see positive feedback and see that the modding community actually like these. If not, I will move along. I'm sorry if anybody thinks this map is absolutely horrible or it disgusts them. I respect your opinion, but this was, first and foremost, a test. But I tried to make it as fun as possible! Anyways, onto the good stuff. While, on this map there aren't very mods. Two, actually. But the mod is what builds the map, without it, the map would be pointless. The first mod, is spawning active trip mines at the beginning of the round. For those who don't understand, essentially, think of starting up a round, but there are already tripmines around that if you walk over, you blow up. The second mod, which was fitted only on the easy version of this mod, was simply for deceration and to liven it up. It was the yellow security lights. I actually like them very much within the room and how they glow Although they are host-only Now, onto screenshots! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16634-599.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16634-600.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16634-601.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16634-602.jpg Now! Onto how to download! To download, simply go to my fileshare on bungie.net. Login to your windows live id, and click download. For the best experience possible, I recommend downloading the Oddball gametype entitled ''Obstacle Course'' and use that to play on the maps, as it was specificly built for those maps. Simply get to the oddball and pick it up! The gametype is on slot 3, the maps, are on 4 and 5. Slot 4 is the harder version, it is the exact same, except there are around 40-50 tripmines in total. Slot 5 is the easier version, it is the exact same, except there are around 20-25 tripmines, and pretty lights! Fileshare: http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileS ... rTwiggy101
Hey everyone! Before I start, I just want to say, I moded this mod. So I am not leaking it, I am publicly releasing it. Ok, now, onto the second part. Yes, it is a crappy mod. It is my first mod, it was mostly a test, to see what I did wrong, what I did right, etc... Nothing fancy. I am just releasing it so that hopefully some people can have fun with it. There will be much better and funner mods coming soon. Now, onto what is on there. There is around 30 spartan clones, around 30 monitor clones, and there is needler ammo beside them that spells out 'lol'. On an ice patch on the same side of the map, there is four gauss turrets, 2 are upside down, to flip them over, go up to them and press RB. Over on the modded side of the map, by the mancannon ledges, there is 8 icicles, and on each ledge, there is an invisible missle-pod. Also, on the opposite side of the map, we spelled out our names as a joke Thanks to xMr Miyagixx, iliketunapasta, and xalom for helping forge the map. Screenshots: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16094-632.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16094-633.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16094-634.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16094-635.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16094-636.jpg Download Link (Its on slot 2): http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShar...tag=MrTwiggy101 Thanks to Nox for Xsata'ing.
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