s*** i wont be here 11 july...BUT being having an 2G iPhone when i will be back, be sure i'll go right away to my store , shouting "50 âââ¬Å¡Ã¬ + my 2G and I wanna 3G" !!! Good offer tho..
n I use dual boot XP / Vista home premium on my 1 To HDD. 4Go RAM. Dual quad 2 duo Xtrem. (4 CPUs) 2.90Ghz Just to play Halo 2 on the pc lol! but vista is quite a crap , i always boot on XP.
what a pity. I"ll like to see this guy on trial for muder or something; "This is fake, i haven't killed him, all proof are fake." "No i have NOT stolen it, no all your credit card proofs are fakes"... zOmG You look like KID
some guys made a method called "social engenering" (i dunno how to spell , god damned!) , those guy at 123- my-xbox (or whatever is the number, i do not use this one) have bad formation, they have your password BY TRICKING MICROSOFT PEOPLE! zomg!
First off, yeah , this save has been taken on 360 GS, no , i do not have invite, no i won't use 360gs resigner. I dunno where to put it, peaches told me here, so i put here. First off ,you'll need to have the Xbox Save Editor. There is bunch of thread on this board where you can find it. So , I supose you won't have the "no login needed". So you start with this screen. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23683-243.jpg You need to enter a login and password which both can be find in this forum. If you don't you'll need to register at: http://xss.ath.cx/ which is currently down, if anyone has the new URL please pm me. When you are logged in this windows will pop up http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23683-244.jpg Now open a gamesave of your own: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23683-245.jpg These are your private IDs , those one has been blanked to protect the gamesave owner from Microsoft cleaners. Now press the "save id default" button to save your IDs into the .dll file. __________________________________________ Now open a gamesave file that you want to resign...why don't take a half-life Ãâò save...? 99 achievements...omg... http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23683-246.jpg Now press the "load id default" button to swap the old IDs by your IDs http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23683-247.jpg Now press the "Resign save" button and...tadaaa http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23683-248.jpg Now you have to inject back into your game folder, for me The Orange Box : 4541080F. Made by ArmageddonSnipe. Published on iBotmodz.net. If you copy please integrate this part.
[youtube:iveuodnw]MfHZMVFupJg[/youtube:iveuodnw] Found by ...ME! ^^ PS:@ admin: you can improbe youtube bbcode, by just putting the URL in the tag: [youtube]http://{TEXT1}youtube.com/watch?v={TEXT2}[/youtube] Code <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://{TEXT1}youtube.com/v/{TEXT2}"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://{TEXT1}youtube.com/v/{TEXT2}" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object> Remplacement one (need to change it into message part of the acp)
can somebody pm me to explain all things about keypairs? i'm not understanding. I actually gamesave, if keypair ban mean put the xbox on blacklist than i'm understanding. But if microsoft bans the keypair of one guy with moded forge, they'll become unplayable cause blacklisted, but if one guy download them, and use the Save Change option, the game will resign it with his id's , so the forge will still be playble. i don't understand please explain meeeeeeeeeeeeee lol edit: wait, there is profile ID (profile) device ID (hard drive) console id (unique console) AND container ID ??????
So now peaches you have resigner too? And btw , he has a resigner , ok. But does every topic from this guy will be called " I Have a resigner " even if the topic doesn't talk about resigning? . He asked for the limit in a topic called " I have a resigner." ?! why doesn't him called it " Limit in a moded forge" ? omg...if he wants everybody knows he has resigner , simply put I have a resigner on your sig.