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Everything posted by isaacmatthews

  1. hey there, i am isaacmatthews, and i have a offer to make to you, i will resign anyones mods for MS Points, PM me if you like this idea and ill discuss a deal with you! Enjoy kkbyebyecyal8r
  2. who resigned it for you?
  3. ill resign for you, email your maps to mlgxxarbiterxx@hotmail.co.uk, i resign CON files and .MAPs
  4. this actually does work i got ma map resigned, if you dont belive me add mlgxxarbiterxx@hotmail.co.uk and ill show you, thanks!
  5. will someone please resign this map, please! it would be really helpful, heres a link: http://rapidshare.com/files/123824129/user...0485990173.html ty!
  6. .map resigners do exist and ive got 1 lolol im being serious add mlgxxarbiterxx@hotmail.co.uk and ill give you it, for a price of course
  7. tell me how to post a screenshot and ill post one, if you add me on MSN ill give you it, my addy is mlgxxarbiterxx@hotmail.co.uk
  8. soz, it turned out this is a halo 2 maps resigner and i didnt try to scam any1
  9. lol ma roflcopter it goes soi soi soi
  10. Lawl its a gravity hammer smokiest grunl lolol or were you biend sarcastic?
  11. hey add MLG XxArBiTeRxX ill show you some modz all i ask is that you give me good rep on Xbox LIVE! k?
  12. V SmokiestGrunl V i like your gift lol
  13. Melo definatly, D1ce's arm looks funny lol
  14. well u need a PSP with Custom Firmware, then if its a .ISO or .CSO file, put it in your ISO file, but if its 1 with 2 files but 1 ends with a '#' then drop both folders in your GAME150, im at school right now, when i get back ill check where it goes k? you also need a USB cable
  15. by publicly i meant i was going to sell it on Ebay
  16. heres the 300 game: Part 1:www.megaupload.com/?d=48etnx1r Part 2:www.megaupload.com/?d=paqgyvyb and heres a link to some PS1 eboots: http://www.psspot.com/showthread.php?t=2022 =]
  17. im just findin a link for 300 game 1 sec, and about the PS1 eboots, it will be laggy but yea i can get sum of them
  18. o ffs iv been working so *ing hard for these past couple of days to get to 100 posts, and i was so close =[ ah well, good about getting rid of those spammers =] can i haz reconz noew
  19. OMG i never knew about the modded film clip one! ty
  20. i think its gonna happen , if it does its going to be awesome! hurry everyone lets releases .MAP modding tools
  21. release it please i want to play on it =]
  22. cool test, i think you should release it... Now
  23. sorry dude it turns out i can only get a few Homebrew games and every PSP game for free so any 1 u want i will get it
  24. im just looking for them be patient! im at school and we gotta log off =[
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