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About isaacmatthews

  • Birthday 07/17/1994

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isaacmatthews's Achievements

Private Grade 2

Private Grade 2 (5/44)



  1. Following the crowd?!? What the hell! This CD is nowhere near as good as thier old ones because they went mainstream! But thier other two albums were completely amazing! You can't fault them. They save kids lifes, this band are true heroes. But no, when someone does something good, you hate them? Because they dress differently. Does that make them emo? No it doesn't. So @%#$ yourself before you talk about what you don't know. xoxo Rhyu
  2. I know, I just have to do this for a mission on MCRmy.com XD!
  4. I voted DarkSlipstream for admin and .Eli for Mod I think they deserve it
  5. Thats awesome 4.5/5, the title is very misleading though =S, but overall good job! =D
  6. =[, know anyone that does have XSata/XPort?
  7. Hey everyone, Well a couple of weeks ago, I broke my 360's HDD so I can't download or take screenshots. (Yeah it sucks =[). I was wondering, if anyone was nice enough, to let me borrow some unmodded screenshots, I promise no porn, I don't agree with porn on games and I promise I won't put it on, I just wan't to put funny pictures on it. I can't share these anyway because I cannot use fileshare on a Memory Unit =[, I have a few screenshots on my fileshare: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/Default....u%20TeH%20hUsKy so if you could please get ack to me with as many screenshots as you can I will be really happy =D << very hapy face!!!
  8. Well, I found the program, I did what it says in the readme, but my HDD still wont connect! Can I get it fixed somewhere? Like at a game shop, or do I have to buy a new hard drive??
  9. Hey, the title says it all, I need help... Anyway, I got my Xport today, and I started putting modded screenshots on, and they worked fine! But then, I went and put a modded fim on, and then put the hard drive back on my 360, and i turned it on, and i got 1 Red light! It says contact customer support, so, I go to take the film off, to see if it works... And now Xport 360 won't detect my Hard Drive! So i try all the other programs, and i also try this Microsoft Transfer Cable that my friend lent me, and nothing will find my HDD! So right now I don't know what to do, I was told by someone that i have to follow these instructions in my Xport 360 read-me, but i didn't install it, because i got it with a AIO. So if anyone can please help me, or like, Send me the Xport 360 installer, it would really help, thanks for taking your time to read this. Good Night!
  10. Thanks, i ordered XPORT this morning =] will you please lock this?
  11. Hey, i was wondering, i know i may sound cheap and everything, but i don't know what I should get: The Datel Transfer Kit or XPORT So, i know i may sound cheap, but i don't know, should i go for quantity or quality? XPORT or Transfer Kit You Decide!
  12. lulz, some of em were funny, that peg leg one was just awesome!
  13. This on cold storage? im not exactly sure, but i would have a guess that its that giant Oracle perv, u know micheal jackson! xD anyways, i dunno but ill guess it is that giant oracle!
  14. well, i used it on 3.81 M33 Custom Firmware with the 1.50 custom kernal, but i think you can use it on any, i currently have the 4.01 M33 Custom Firmware with the 1.50 custom Kernal, i aint tested it on that version yet though ill check for you though ok?
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