found this just lookin at junk if this is legal i would do it alot more it just never really crossed my mind and that is to ask if you are aloud to sell a modded xbox on ebay (for those who were really gonna ask) i geuss if you did u would hav to take off any copied games
this is wat i did with my free time at youth group in church JJ im athiest (that does not mean i worship the devil for you ignorant people to the meaning) excelent shot yea gorrilaz look its the only yellow guy on kai (my trademark plz dont start goin yellow if ur on kai, thats how most people know me bbman101/14thghost) OUTVIEW VIDEO:
DOWNLOAD:;/fileinfo.html PROBLEMS: -might be a little todark for some -couldnt turn the sun off -no wepon mods yet -forgot the weeds color
seven nation army by the white stripes slow foot tapping atention grabbing song i just picture would be great for some GOW fotage depending on what was filmed or wat the montage about. good 3 person following on foot music
yeah theres another thing, the tornados were the hell did they come from i really. i could say much more on this subject but im gonna wait till everyone seen it first i dont wanna ruin it and no one else go doing so either