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About bbman101

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  1. bbman101

    H2 dune mod

    ehh not bad i love pelican but the weapon mods are little noobish cept the pod rocket 7/10
  2. how dare u to critisis my music and thats a wicked picture of 2-d
  3. aww bummer now im afraid too
  4. im going to sll my modded boxs on ebay i saw 1 guy sell his for 120 bucks i only make 100 where isell them
  5. found this just lookin at junk http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...A:IT&ih=012 if this is legal i would do it alot more it just never really crossed my mind and that is to ask if you are aloud to sell a modded xbox on ebay (for those who were really gonna ask) i geuss if you did u would hav to take off any copied games
  6. bbman101


    http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n85/bbman101/EmoChixx.jpg found and made that picture in 30 sconds
  7. yea seriously halo 3 sucks ass with the exception of the spartan laser
  8. im an origanal
  9. bbman101

    Demonic Creek

    this is wat i did with my free time at youth group in church JJ im athiest (that does not mean i worship the devil for you ignorant people to the meaning) excelent shot http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n85/bbman101/01C6AED6E8361290.jpg yea gorrilaz http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n85/bbman101/01C6AED6F15EE400.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n85/bbman101/01C6AED6F6A6AAB0.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n85/bbman101/01C6AED701A39FE0.jpg look its the only yellow guy on kai (my trademark plz dont start goin yellow if ur on kai, thats how most people know me bbman101/14thghost) http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n85/bbman101/01C6AED71FBD5020.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n85/bbman101/01C6AED764E68B30.jpg OUTVIEW http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n85/bbman101/01C6AED878CC4620.jpg VIDEO: DOWNLOAD: http://files.filefront.com/demonicreeksppf...;/fileinfo.html PROBLEMS: -might be a little todark for some -couldnt turn the sun off -no wepon mods yet -forgot the weeds color
  10. what are ur 3 favorite guns (2 rifles 1 pistol) 1.full metal M14 2.FAMAS 3.1911 witness (dEWl!!!!) i own these guns and many others
  11. seven nation army by the white stripes slow foot tapping atention grabbing song i just picture would be great for some GOW fotage depending on what was filmed or wat the montage about. good 3 person following on foot music
  12. power hungry peaches http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30952-3.jpg LOL
  13. bbman101


    yeah theres another thing, the tornados were the hell did they come from i really. i could say much more on this subject but im gonna wait till everyone seen it first i dont wanna ruin it and no one else go doing so either
  14. heh lol spinny http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30947-4.gif i get it
  15. i had to change my password when i clicked the forums
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