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Everything posted by H3Fan

  1. If you have a 120GB Harddrive then you need to Update Xplorer360!
  2. People should get a warning from Bungie saying... We have found you boosting and if you do it once more we will ban you for 1 month or forever...
  3. H3Fan

    Need .MAP

    Ya I know that it's just that the site was down and I got a new computer and I needed the .MAP files but when I went to XboxSoftMods it said... There is a critical error The server will be back up soon. or something like that!
  4. H3Fan

    Need .MAP

    Can someone please post the Sandtrap map since the Xboxsoftmods site is curently down!
  5. NOTE: This is just a reminder MANY People call their Map Varients Maps Wich that is inccorect it is acctually called A Map Varient! Well First of all what you are going to need to mod Halo 3 Map Varients is 1)Xbox 360 2)Xbox 360 Hard Drive 3)XPORT Or XSATA 4)Xplorer 360 5)Johnson 1.4 Or Engineer 6).MAP Files 7)HEX Editor 8)Rehasher 9)Resigner First thing you have to do to mod is Create your Map Varient! Place down Lets say I want to swap a crate with sky (It can be anything you want it doesent have to be crate) after you placed all the Items you want to swap with Save the Map Varient. Shutdown your Xbox hook up your XPORT Or XSATA then open Xplorer 360 Once done go to Partation Three. There should be a whole bunch of files with the names of Letters and Numbers one of those is your Gamertag. Once you found your Gamertag browse through you folders until you see a File Named Usermap++++++++ Once you found it that is your Halo 3 Folder select sort through by Date or something like that... Find the one that is closest to the date and time you made it. Oh and make sure your Time and date is right on your Xbox 360. Once you found the file open it up in A HEX Editor and scroll down until you see the name of your usermap in the Text Section. That way you will know wich map varient is the right one! After found the right map varient Open Johnson 1.4 And open the .MAP file that you created your Usermap on. Go to tags on Johnson 1.4 and find In MAP File that you created your Usermap on Open it up. Go To the tags list once there look for whatever you wanted to swap which in my case is the crate so once I select that If I look to the Right there should be text saying Identifier Take that then go back to your HEX editor and click search change Text String To HEX Then Past The Identifer In the Search Bar! Click Search It should find something. Go back to Johnson 1.4 and look for the item you want to swap with In My case it is the Sky So I would go look for sky in the tags once found I click it then Copy the identifer of that then past it into the selected HEX in your HEX Editor. Once finished making all changes save it. There should be a .BAK file all that is is a backup file so we dont have to do anything with that. Now go to your Rehasher you downloaded and load the file and rehash it. Once done go to a Resigner and Resign it. Once done go back to Xplorer and go back to your Halo 3 Foler and place the Usermap in that. And Test It Out!
  6. Everything Loaded Correctly But When Played Nothing Modded!
  7. Do You Just Sandbox It Up In The Sky?
  8. H3Fan

    Text Editor?

    This Is Weird I Randomly made A Text Editor And I Clicked My Open Button Accidentally Opened A Usermap And It Didnt Load It It Only Loaded Part??? Anyone Know Why?
  9. What TAG Was The Creepy Alien Guy In?
  10. What? I Never -REP You??? You Stop I Stop? Even Tho I Never -REP You?
  11. Really? Thanks (+Rep For You By The Way)
  12. Whoever Keeps Giving Me Bad Rep For Uncalled Reasons Every Time I Make A Post I Get Bad Rep I Mean Come On You Immature Loser!!!
  13. Thanks Ive Allways Wanted TO Know How To Do That!!
  14. I Think You should make a map that has clones on it wouldent that be sooo cool!
  15. What Does This Do And How Do You Use This?
  16. Hey do You Know The Number For The Troop Hog On The Pit I Cant Seem To Find It? Or Somehow Tell Me How To Locate It?
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