this came to me when i was trying to film a chase scene in halo and it would be even better if it would be dark out and if you different types of trees.
ill join but i don't have an Xsata yet. i have an idea for a map. forest avalanche and no lifts or anything and make filters have darkness for infection to bring a perfect environment.
this took no skill to make but sadly he is going to get subscribers because they think he is cool because he leaks our mods and doesn't give them but only records them. pathetic.
what are you going to do with 1200 subscribers anyway? anyway that mod can be made in 5 minutes and distributed to nubz who ever is your leaking consumer in an hour
twisted glitchers are losers that have always sucked at modding. all they do is secretly come to this site and leak mods and put them on youtube then piss people off until they delete them because of the terrible rating. the leader acts like he is five how he reacts to negative feedback. i have been watching what you have been doing to the modding community and i do not find it intelligent.also, to force people to subscribe to you so you can release a mediocre mod is the dumbest thing twisted has done yet. this is not a flaming, its telling you to your face that you have epic failed.
since the first day was released i wanted to change vahalla. take out the baste in the back near waterfall and leave all grass and trees similar to forest mod. im making a machnima and need an excellent on vahalla