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Obito Kajuo

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About Obito Kajuo

  • Birthday 09/01/1993

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  • Gamertag
    Obito Kajuo

Obito Kajuo's Achievements

Private Grade 2

Private Grade 2 (5/44)



  1. All I have to say about this vehicle is... TRANSFORMERS, spartans in disguise! lol
  2. I right now I'm having problems trying to play Halo 2 PC on my computer. I cannot burn it to a disk because I don't have a disk with enough space. Is there a way to play it directly from my computer without burning it to a disk? One more thing does anyone know where I can get a program that reads E-files? Someone please help me out.
  3. Obito Kajuo

    The Pit Bound

    Then can't someone either put a film of the map in their fileshare, since that won't get you banned? Or could someone show me the map in a custom game? My gamertag is Obito Kajuo.
  4. Big deal, that doesn't mean you need to come in here and flame someone just cause you think your mods are better.
  5. Okay, then can you show this map to me in custom games sometime? My gamertag is Obito Kajuo.
  6. I don't think they're doing this only for fun. I think they're doing this to make fun of us not being able to do as much as they can, they're pretty much saying,"Ha ha, look what we can do! Bet you can't do this!" Well then again it's just my opinion, it just seems that way to me.
  7. Here's a working link: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=43755078
  8. Can you show me the neutral flag gametype in a custom game? My xport isn't working. GT: Obito Kajuo Thanks.
  9. Just use the flim method, upload a full film of people playing the modded gametype or map, you con call it something like overkill or extermination. If you do this it won't be detected if you put it on your fileshare because it would just be a film OF a modded map, the film itself isn't modded, therefore you won't be banned and at the same time people can download your mods without xsata.
  10. Jime can you show me these mods in custom games? My xport broke. GT: Obito Kajuo
  11. Obito Kajuo


    Who was the hacker?
  12. Holy crud! the moniter map looks awsome. Could you release it soon?
  13. Can you invite me to? GT: Obito Kajuo
  14. Cyberdyne http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=42790948 = Not working
  15. That's a good idea. Because not only will we know what mods are good and should download first, but also we would know which mods would be a waste of time to download.
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