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Bloody Beserker

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About Bloody Beserker

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Bloody Beserker's Achievements

Private Grade 2

Private Grade 2 (5/44)



  1. Wait you dont need anything else just drag the folder in this spot, I dont need custom frimware or anything.?im guessing i need m33 3.90 with kernel. but i dont know how to install them right. AHHHHH
  2. can you cheat on halo 3 with this version of action replay
  3. I think its sad if you dont get your Fifty and then you just buy it. Its much more rewarding if you get it yourself. No one believes they can do it but once they do it happens. You get no skill in buying too. Waist of time.And money. I get peoples fifty's on there accounts for free.
  4. you do know there is ummm actually walking spider miny floods right, if you look outside in that big flood exhibit, they walk around. if you can find the tag for them im sure they'll move
  5. Ok one of my frineds showed me a video of them in a ranked team doubles. They said while they were playing they killed a guy and he dropped an overshield?What yeah its true and it worked. So i rewinded the video watched where the overshield spawned and he crouched up next to it and swapped it with a power drain. Has this already been discoverd? Idk but it looked really cool
  6. since your pretty good at those light mods, you should really invest in something cool. On/around christmas time you should make a christmas tree mod on Valhalla and Standoff, put light patterns on the trees only. Also set some lights in a pattern on the bases neatly so it looks like christmas lights on a house that'll be cool
  7. ok i know how to do that but how am i supposed to resign just put the patch in a resigner?
  8. smoky once i get my xport i really want you to teach me how to get this map, out of all the ones you presented this is the coolest.
  9. thank you so much
  10. i know it seems like you've had this for a while. But its really cool and I swicthed from Halo 3 to Halo 2 and I'm wondering if you could lend me the download PLease Thank You
  11. well my friends ok i would be like guys i have that awesome never realeased Cold Storage map, theres a pic on my file share. The theyd be like click on the map. Id be oh s***.
  12. yeah i kno but every time i go to download that map it always gives me a gay url to somw other ibotmodz link site. but it is very cool and thats why i wanted a dirt bike
  13. Could any of you make a map maybe Coagulation, if you could reskinn it like desert-ish or a road like theme and have ramps. For the main thing I would like is a Dirt Bike. Put a couple of those different colors or the same and make atleast 6 atvs. Can be the same color or different doesn't matter thats all i ask. Simply a reskinned map just color or whatever and some vehicles. Thanx and please help.
  14. Hello there people,hommies and mi niggas. I know a lot of people here have just said goodbyes and stuff but Dark Slipstream has a good point. I aswell had a huge decrease in my grades this past year. I used to be a grade A student and i almost failed this year. However I do not want to fall behind because I want to go to college and have a well paying job, get out of my house as soon as possible.and have my own family. I also care about my family,friends,and girlfriend but i threw them all aside for this dam xbox. They always ask me why i dont talk anymore. I have spent countless hours on looking for mods and hoping people would give them to me. But now im calling quits. As much as i wanted to be a modder I wanted to be the one that wasnt a douch-bag and kept it to myself, no i wanted everyone to have it so everyone could be happy. So i have to go to school this summer so i dont fail and im really focusing on that and not X360. Tho i shall miss my modding buddies.i also will my xbox for it has given me countless hours of entertainment but also no LIFE. Soo long. Also i am not trying to copy off of a lot of you guys but you inspired me and made me make my announcement. I will be playing halo less often and if i get a resigner big whoop any more you douches who wont give them are just greedy bastards who will be wife beaters later on and/or be that 35-year old guy who plays video games to find a little boy to rape. Have fun. Love, Bloody Beserker
  15. its actually really cool because i modded internet on to it so i have a wireless card in it and now its a laptop for me:) and black label that is hilarious.
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