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Everything posted by eon89

  1. Very nice. I would have never seen that I was actually looking at that map yesterday.
  2. orange
  3. I am planning on it, are you?
  4. None of the links to it work
  5. Cool, now if my signatures weren;t already full.
  6. I learned to count and read through pico *a game system for little kids* After I got older I bought a gameboy. My whole life I have been gameing. I now have: 5 original gameboys 3 gameboy pockets 2 gameboy advances 3 DSs 2 nes 1 snes 1 64 1 game cube 1 wii 2 segas 1 portable sega game player 1 ps1 1 ps2 1 360 Why do I know these numbers? Well one of my last assignments at school was to take a inventory on something you own. I chose consoles over games......for good reason
  7. http://www.voolamoola.com/watch/ab05244a4f...take-out-a-team A video of the most amazing moment in all my halo 3 playing.
  8. eon89

    Ima vip!

    Nice, it will take me a while to reach that.
  9. I don't really believe in anything like that. My friends keeps saying, "Go to church and pray." Even if I did it would be a lie to god, so if he was real I would be in the same boat.
  10. I wish I could do that:P Good luck selling.
  11. You are 64% Geek! Well I answered everything truthfully. I am going into computers, I read manga, and I am going to learn japanese.....I am surprised it was that lol
  12. eon89

    Get Rick Roll'd

    I got my friend with it
  13. Isn't there a new dup glitch out now?
  14. Why would you download this. If you don't know what it is don't do it.
  15. Keeping this on file for school next year
  16. eon89

    MM Glitch

    http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?po...r1-p=1#21283425 I spawned as a zombie with a shotgun and when I died I became a human.
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