I learned to count and read through pico *a game system for little kids* After I got older I bought a gameboy. My whole life I have been gameing. I now have: 5 original gameboys 3 gameboy pockets 2 gameboy advances 3 DSs 2 nes 1 snes 1 64 1 game cube 1 wii 2 segas 1 portable sega game player 1 ps1 1 ps2 1 360 Why do I know these numbers? Well one of my last assignments at school was to take a inventory on something you own. I chose consoles over games......for good reason
I don't really believe in anything like that. My friends keeps saying, "Go to church and pray." Even if I did it would be a lie to god, so if he was real I would be in the same boat.
You are 64% Geek! Well I answered everything truthfully. I am going into computers, I read manga, and I am going to learn japanese.....I am surprised it was that lol