Post here if you have Gears are play it reguraly. As you have probably noticed it takes a while to find a match with a party unless you have 5 people. So post your Gamertag so everyone can get parties of 5. Or if you run privates. GT List: avoid has host (anarchy)
Palin once claimed that Alaska was a socialist state, but I really don't want to get into a political discussion with you. Especially since the election is over. I wasn't calling you ignorant because of your republican beliefs, but because of the idiotic way you present your discontent with our new president. I had hoped you would actually read my earlier post, but alas.
I don't like obama, or McCain. I just find it annoying when people say things like that. I'm sure there are other ways of expressing you're discontent with our new president besides whishing him dead. Eli, you were half as mature as you portray yourself to be you would realize the election is over and that you should support our new president. And hacking? Honestly, if someone gets angry over a comment like that then I'm not sure they should even be on a website, nevermind a moderator. A more appropriate place would be anger management. I have no hate or dislike for you Eli, I would respond the same no matter who made the comment.