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Everything posted by lostmodz

  1. I did not make this mod and I do not condone in cheating in any way. http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=19337640
  2. How do you do it in Campaign. Theres another way too with the plasma grenade board trick but here's my video on how to do it: [youtube:3d5riu0n]CbaA7gSEvNo[/youtube:3d5riu0n]
  3. Right as you guys know I am the ulmighty video editor and with my Sassy Pants stuff that makes me even better. So anyway you saw the title so I supplied it. THIS WAS A RANDOM MOMENT I DID NOT PERFORM A GLITCH I HAVE NO TUTORIAL JUST A WTH MOMENT! [youtube:1mzqjvnp]XkEsD90Yza4[/youtube:1mzqjvnp] All by me.
  4. Ah thats cool =].
  5. I'll be more active now peoples. Glad to be back!
  6. This is not hard, just completely easy. All of the other tutorials on adding AI have flaws. So please follow mine. Tutorial & Pics By: lostmodz What you'll need ---------------------- [*]Entidy AI SCNR Plugin (Download Link)[/*:m:01b3d] [*]Entity Beta 1.3 (Download Link)[/*:m:01b3d] [*]Any Halo 2 Map[/*:m:01b3d] [*]Insolence[/*:m:01b3d] [*]Windows XP (You will not be able to complete all of this on Windows Vista)[/*:m:01b3d] [*]IF You have any Apple Computer, you will need Parallel (ONLY IF YOU HAVE A MAC)[/*:m:01b3d] [*]An Xbox[/*:m:01b3d] [*]Mainmenu.map & Shared.map[/*:m:01b3d] [*]Yelo Game Trainer[/*:m:01b3d] [*]Single_Player_Shared.map[/*:m:01b3d] [*]Halo 2 AI Editor[/*:m:01b3d] Step 1, Installing the AI Entidy Plugin for Adding AI: Now, Unrar your copy of Entidy. Go into the folder that you extracted. Find the "Plugins" Folder. Open the folder, and find the Folder "Halo 2". Open that folder and then open the folder "ent". Then open the Entidy scnr plugin that I told you to download. Open the .rar and replace the old one with the new one from the .rar file. Step 2, Injecting your character: Now of course we have to inject our character and fix him. Entidy sometimes doesn't inject characters properly, so use Insolence. WARNING: When you are injecting w/Insolence be sure that you are not doing anything else. YOU MUST CLOSE ALL OTHER WINDOWS EXCEPT FOR INSOLENCE OR ELSE WHEN YOU LOAD THE GAME IT MAY FREEZE! So, open Insolence. For my example I will be injecting flood into my map. Click Files>Open. Now open your Multiplayer Map. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1686-805.jpg Also open your SP (Single Player Map), that your injecting. Now in both maps open the bipd tag by clicking on the [+] Sign. In the Single Player Map, click on the bipd that your injecting. Now drag that into your Multiplayer Map. Then you should see a move-box. This may take a while: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1686-806.jpg About 5-10 Seconds later you should get a window that says something about the single player shared map. Press okay and open the single_player_shared.map. After that locate to the [char] tag in the single player map. Drag and drop the char tags that go with the character that your adding AI into. If it asks for the Single_Player_Shared.map, then supply it. Sometimes when you inject the character it will automatically transfer the [char] tags, but its always good to check! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1686-807.jpg Step 3, Fixing the character: Now we have to fix the character. Navigate your way to the (Object Properties) Tag. Click on the character that you just injected. I injected the flood, so I find "objectscharactersfloodcombat_elitefloodcombat_elite". Now up top, you should see "IFP Plugin - "html" - Edit Mode". Click that and it should change to "IFP Plugin - "html" - Dev Mode". Now Click "[u][color=#0000FF]All Dependencies[/color][/u]". Find the "ugld". Change whatever it is to "Nulled Out": http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1686-808.jpg After that, Under "[u]Reflexives[/u]", click "[u][color=#0000FF]Variation[/color][/u]". On the side click "[u][color=#0000FF]All Dependencies[/color][/u]". Then Null Out the UGLG There too. We must do this because when we inject the character, its mean't for Campaign. Not Multiplayer, so to make it not freeze in Multiplayer, we have to null out the sound tags (the [ugld] tags). http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1686-809.jpg Then after that look up at the top. You should see a number w/a drop down arrow. Something like this: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1686-810.jpg Now if there are other numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. then click each one of them, and there should be a ugld tag there. Null it out. Some characters only have a number 0, up at the top and no other numbers. If there are no other numbers then your all set![/indent] [u]Fixing the Effects ([b]Only for Flood[/b]): [/u] [indent]Now your gonna have to Null Out Some Effects. Only do this step if your injecting the flood. If your injecting a marine then skip this step. Now open Dot Halo. Go to the [html] tag. Click the + Sign to expand the tag. Click on the flood tag. Now go over to the dependencies window. Null Out the Following Dependencies: [*]effectsobjectscharactersfloodcombat_humanbody_destroyed (Null Out All Four Tags)[/*:m:01b3d] [*]effectsobjectscharactersfloodcombat_elitelegs_destroyed[/*:m:01b3d] And now your Flood will be completely compatible w/Multiplayer! [color=#FF0000]If it still doesn't work, try Nulling Out Some Other Effects, or All of them.[/color][/indent] [u]Step 4, Adding Things Needed For AI:[/u] [indent]Now Open Entidy. Open your map. Also open the map that your using to inject your character. Go to down to the [scnr] tag in both maps. Click on the only tag in both maps (sceneriosmultiMAPNAMEMAPNAME). Now in the Single Player Map (Map that you injected your character into), click click in the reference editor, and select "Clone Chunk" IN YOUR SINGLE PLAYER MAP (Map that you injected the character into). http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1686-811.jpg Now click on "Bipd Pallete". On the side click "Copy to Clipboard": http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1686-812.jpg Now in your Multiplayer Map open the Chunk Cloner. Go down and Click "Unknown - Size 4". Click it once and then on the side click "Overwrite Selected Chunk/Reflexive". Now go back down where you saw "Unknown - Size 4", it should be "Bipd Pallete". Click that once and then click "Add Meta to Map". http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1686-813.jpg Once you click "Add Meta to Map", you'll get an error message (Its normal): http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1686-814.jpg Then you should get a "Done" Message: http://lostmodzproductions.net/Tutorials/Pics/AITut/12.jpg Now repeat that step and transfer the following Reflexives: [*]Bipd Pallete (If not already Transfered)[/*:m:01b3d] [*]Vehicle Pallete[/*:m:01b3d] [*]Weapon Pallete[/*:m:01b3d] [*]AI Squad Types[/*:m:01b3d] [*]AI Squads[/*:m:01b3d] [*]Characters[/*:m:01b3d] After you transfer those, we're ready to move onto the next step![/indent] [u]Step 5, Adding the AI To the Map:[/u] [indent]Now we have to add the AI To the Map. Go to the scnr tag and click on the only tag (sceneriosmultiMAPNAMEMAPNAME). Now switch to the Meta Editor: http://lostmodzproductions.net/Tutorials/Pics/AITut/13.jpg Now scroll down to AI Squads. Click the drop-down bar and find the tag that best describes on what character you want AI to have. For example I want to have Flood AI In my Map. So I find a tag that best describes the flood. So I choose a Flood Tag w/A Rocket: http://lostmodzproductions.net/Tutorials/Pics/AITut/14.jpg Now its time to edit the flood: Check the Following items Under "Flags": [*]Rapid Movement[/*:m:01b3d] [*]Angry[/*:m:01b3d] [*]Agressive[/*:m:01b3d] [*]Respawn Enabled[/*:m:01b3d] [*]3D Firing Positions[/*:m:01b3d] [*]Stay Together[/*:m:01b3d] [*]Manual BSP Index Specified[/*:m:01b3d] [*]MP Spawn Enabled[/*:m:01b3d] [*]Rapid Fire[/*:m:01b3d] ". Now change the Team to whatever your character represents ex. for Flood make the team "4: Flood (MP Team = Purple)". Do not change the "Platoons", keep it the way that it is. Now on "# Of AI that Spawn on Easy & Legendary", put the amount of AI that you want to spawn. Now "char" Put the character tag that is the one for the flood (in my example), so for that since I'm using the flood I put "objects/characters/floodcombat_elite/ai/floodcomat_elite". After you do that choose what Starting Weapon you want the AI to have. Then Null Out "AI Orders Index". We're almost done. Now your gonna have to get the coordinates for your AI To Spawn. Open up the BSP Viewer OR Coordinate Finder. THE AI MUST SPAWN ON THE MAP TO MOVE AROUND! Now find the coordinates and enter them in the spaces. You must have all of the coordinates (X, Y, and Z). Click the drop-down bar and choose coordinates for the other numbers for other parts of the AI to spawn. Now edit the AI In Halo 2 AI Editor and there you go! [center][b]You have now sucessfully added AI to Multiplayer. Just be sure that you enable AI In Yelo Game Trainer.[/b][/center]
  7. Looks cool bro.
  8. Sorry for the Bump. But this tutorial was by me and you edited the title. Give me credit PLEASE!
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