Are there any requirements for the new HDD? Like if i get rid of a comp could I just take the HDD out of that and put it in my xbox. Also could i use the slayer disc then too install evox?
I was trying to fix what I previously screwed up on my Xbox orignal with a slayer disc (2.6 auto evox installer), when after several attempts at reinstalling evox, saw no improvement in my dash. It just showed the same evox dash I had before, not the one in the screenie that came with it . So , I thought maybe it was because my hard drive was locked. I unlocked it, tried again and rebooted. I got an error message with the number 5 in the top left corner. With a message telling me to service my xbox in several langauges. Basically, I locked my HDD and need to unlock it, but cannot access anything on my xbox, not even an FTP. If I open my xbox, is there maybe a switch on the HDD to fix this?
Sort of yes and sort of no. I'm a chronic procrastinator so, when I damaged my xbox I figured I'd wait for a rainy day or something to fix it . SmokiestGrunt, its nowhere near your fault. If I would've read the slayer disc manual all the way through, I would've seen that error 5 is a kernel error that only happens when you unlock your hard drive. Something about how it only works unlocked with certain bios, and apparently mine isn't one of the one's that work... I'm going to start a new topic with a more appropriate topic
LOL!!! I knew I'd find away to screw this up . I downloaded the slayer disc, burned it to a dvd with alcohol 120%, put it in the xbox. After a little bit of manual reading, I decided to chose option 3 and then 3b 3)New Install/Full Rebuild 3b) Full Install on retail HDD Well I did that, took out the disc, it didn't work tried it again, didn't work, tried it again, and then accidentally clicked to have it do it again (without restarting first). I chose the restart/reboot option instead of manually powering off and I get a screen that says: 05 in the top left and "Your Xbox requires service. Please call Xbox Customer Support." in several langauges...suggestions? Edit: Also the LED is flashing Red and Green. Edit2: It doesn't matter if I boot it with the Slayer disc in, an original xbox game, a back up or nothing. Edit3: Crap...I think I know what I did. I unlocked the HDD. Now I have no way of relocking it either, I'm screwed right?
i think it was everything (it was about 2 years ago so I don't remember clearly), what are you supposed to have in the D drive because I have nothing....
No...I did, now I don't I downloaded a different version of the Evolution X Build 3935.rar with an INI, the dash and a new bios (M7) so maybe that will fix the problem. Come to think of it, where do I put the bios folder?
I tried that with my C and it didn't work, but I can't remember if I did or didn't with my E so i'll try again. Also, am I supposed to have anything in my D drive, because I don't. Edit: It didn't work in my E drive so I downloaded a different Evolution X Build 3935.rar file and it came with everything I need I think, but I'll probably need more help so hang in there please
yeah, I don't really mind whether its evox, avalaunch or unleash x so, which ever is easiest. I was a noob back in the day when ibotmodz was and now I've got to be way worse, so nothing too complicated please
I don't think so, I'm uploading the screenies now. I'll edit in the link when they're finished. Links: lol, I just realized the print is hard to read, let me know if you need me to re-upload them at a bigger size. Edit: Nvm, just zoom in once and you can see it fine.