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Everything posted by Akuseru

  1. The sandtrap one looks like the Ub3rly Bouncey mod, nice try anyways And i give 7/10 to the Cold Storage one
  2. Of course my friend (i guess everybody should follow this format) My Top 10 Halo 3 Mods List 1- UFO Landing [Avalanche] 2- Uberly Bouncey [sandtrap] 3- Valhalla v2.1 [Valhalla] 4- Last Reckoning [Guardian] 5- Floaty Pit [Avalanche] 6- Any of the Frigates map [sandtrap] 7- xThe Floodx 003 [isolation] 8- Bunker War v2 [Valhalla] 9- Katrina [Foundry] 10- UNSC Warthogs [The pit] I know the new "SECURITY CAMERA and WORKING MONITOR ON THE PIT" is much better than some of this mods, but i dont have it, so i can't judge something i haven't played yet
  3. it seems like nothing new to me o.o the sky is replaced by water, its flooded, and some turrets but it works lol
  4. Posted by Achronos (Bungie.net Overlord) Original post on Bungie.net Also, they are starting to ban everyone with modded content on their fileshare. It's this the beggining?...or the end?
  5. keep the good work MFone btw i guess u are missing the warhawk 001 mod for sandtrap
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