Of course my friend (i guess everybody should follow this format) My Top 10 Halo 3 Mods List 1- UFO Landing [Avalanche] 2- Uberly Bouncey [sandtrap] 3- Valhalla v2.1 [Valhalla] 4- Last Reckoning [Guardian] 5- Floaty Pit [Avalanche] 6- Any of the Frigates map [sandtrap] 7- xThe Floodx 003 [isolation] 8- Bunker War v2 [Valhalla] 9- Katrina [Foundry] 10- UNSC Warthogs [The pit] I know the new "SECURITY CAMERA and WORKING MONITOR ON THE PIT" is much better than some of this mods, but i dont have it, so i can't judge something i haven't played yet
Posted by Achronos (Bungie.net Overlord) Original post on Bungie.net Also, they are starting to ban everyone with modded content on their fileshare. It's this the beggining?...or the end?