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Everything posted by william48151623

  1. I remember you, but I don't think you remember me. I'm still friends with Leering, Oracle, and Slig and a lot of other members.I agree that the site was great at first but eventually went downhill. I wound up offering to buy the site from slig but he declined. I even strated a new XBT website but by then everyone already gave up...
  2. Why talk trash about one of the fallen sites? It's like kicking a dead dog...
  3. Wow, all these emotions and that pic just makes it sadder. The following is sad but true: You will never be as happy as when you were a kid playing pokemon on the gameboy. You will never find another website like these modding ones where you felt like you were a family and were a contributing member to something bigger than yourself.
  4. I don't know if any of you remember me, but I recognize a lot of y'alls names. Reading through some of these posts have been sad and has brought up some old memories. It reminds me of the "old days" of modding and how so much has changed in these past 4-5 years. I mean I remember when the Xbox 360 came out and everyone was saying it would be "unmoddable" and that modding was officially over. Over time you'd hear a rumor about someone who knew someone that heard someone talking in the pre-game lobby about their cousin modding on the 360 (hard to follow but that's how it was for the most part). Within a month or two of the Halo 3 release, people had done it! They had finally figured out how to mod on the 360 and it all started on Halo 3. I remember the unlimited ammo and the super fast running, I remember the clones being littered all across the map. And if you were somehow able to get a hold of these maps and gametypes you were considered a God among men which ultimately led to those "Inner-Circles". Only a few people actually knew how to mod but over time the information got out. Which was kind of cool because the vast majority of people were fascinated with modding and wanted to learn and I think as a community we all learned at relatively the same pace. Back then modding was localized to Halo 3 so you'd sit at the computer refreshing your favorite modding sites in hopes of new modding tutorials and information. I remember modding was so involved back then. By that I mean you had to go through so many steps just to get the HDD reader to work then you'd have to get the save, learn how to use a new language (Hex), rehash the modded file, and then send it off to a friend-of-a-friend who was one of 5 to have a CON Resigner and have him sign your file then get it back and maybe the mod worked, or maybe it froze your xbox. And eventually resigners became public and people learned VB/C++ and made GUIs and basically streamlined modding to now dang near anybody can do it. I personally still use the "old way" which I think is more fun but hey, that's just me. I really wasn't active here, I was more of an XboxTampers guy. I remember over at XBT I'd have flame-wars, budy up to the mods/admins, and above all post-count was the most important thing and was the only thing that mattered (not). At XBT and other websites like these we all made our friends and enemies. I personally still have a lot of my friends from back then.Shout-out to: Chrisco93, ambi0, Canadian Halo, TH3 M41N DUD3, Shade4510, Halodude, Sligstorm, nox13666 and much more. Yall were my friends and still my friends and our names meant something back then and for some of us they still do. It's just sad to see all of these "mom & pop" style websites that we spent so much time on as a kid become deserted or swallowed up by larger modding sites. R.I.P XboxTampers Lastly I leave you with a quote that was said by my friend iTz gLiTcHeY back in '07 that has stuck with me through the years."They say we're noobs for modding, I say they're noobs for not!"
  5. Ya, the first time was the funniest, here is how it went: Hey you guys. Hello, who is this? This is Shade the modder! Oh what's up Shade. Hey I got a question for you guys? Ya, what is it? Umm do you guys have... ugh... the Valhalla with snow? (I say) Yeah, lemme have the party and Ill put it on! (At this point he starts getting excited and nearly craps himself, and he gives me the party) (I go) Do you want to see it? Yeah Ok, here it is! (Booted) (Laughter) (Then peaches shows back up and we tell him he just missed the greatest prank) Which leads to this video Glad to be a part of it!
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