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About 1337X4

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Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. Ah i see thankyou ^^ [now i wish someone would just do my zanzibar but i better not hope for too much XD]
  2. Whats qued? ^^;;
  3. When making A modded old map disc for halo 2 how exactly do you inject the maps into the iso file? : o
  4. okay when injecting the maps what exactly do you do and don't give me a link too a tutorial cause all of those failed already i want too know how too do it step by step by someone who has actually done this please ^^;;
  5. 1337X4

    Zanzibar Request

    so mean T_T i would but my trial on adobe photoshop ran out T_T And i said if possible cause i didn't know ^^;;
  6. Can people on live see it? ^^
  7. It didn't help at all. all of that is offline modding old maps stuff T_T and it doesn't even help with the disc. thanks anyways though T_T
  8. True but i have already made all of the maps besides Zanzibar And lockout so i need too learn before halo3 came out please can you teach me >.<;; [and i can skin >.>;; but my trial on PhotoShop CS2 ran out XD.] So could you please tell me everything i need too add into the disc ^^;; i already know all about the Making The halo .iso file thing and whatnot i just need too know what too inject into the disc and what i need too do too the map files before adding them in and what not ^^;;
  9. What do you mean if i want the map on my mainmenu? : o do you mean i have too mod my mainmenu too make an old map disc work for live?
  10. i see : o but someone once told me before i had too apply a patch too the mainmenu.map for it too work. : o
  11. Ah i see thankyou ^^
  12. What exactly do you need too patch and inject into the iso file when creating a modding disc. And do you have too patch Mainmenu.map and inject it as well for it too work?
  13. How do i make the gauss shoot fully automatic? and how do i give it autoaim as well? ^^;; And also how do i make a sniper auto aim and beable too kill someone in one hit and please tell me step by step i would know right now but i can't get too the old ibotmodz forums. and how do you make a weapon make you go flying really far and can you tell me step by step if possible ^^
  14. Can Someone Make me a desolation with no barriers and with a visible projectile patch on. ^^ and if you want too mabye a skin. i'm asking this cause i can't find a visible projectile patch for this map or the remove barrier .obj. And too let you know i did read the rules last time but i guess i didn't read them carefully enough ^^;;
  15. Skin Mods and Map Mods: Hey Can someone make me a zanzibar skin where the its a city at night and stuff like that and make it so its xbox live compatible so you know it can fit on a disc and have all the weapons spawn on the wall where the shotgun and sniper rifle is at. And have it so that everyone spawns with assault bombs and could you if possible make it so that i could go through barrier walking and with vehicles [Vehicles: for everyone] and have wall climber on so that i can walk up anything lol ^^ and make it so that i can run through gates : o. And if possible can you make the wheel blades look funny for me and everyone else ^^;; oh and if you could make the wheel go faster if possible ^^;; Turrets/Vehicle: And for turret mods make it so that the plasma turrets can fly and if possible make it so that chaingun turrets can drive on the ground like a warthog and make it so when the chaingun fires it shoots out stickies. Weapon Mods: BR: shoots out carbine bullets 6 of them. Sniper Rifle: Has autoaim and always kills in one hit. Carbine: Something that makes you go really fire away. Magnum: Has 6 bullets and Shoots out 5 fusion coils from the sky. Plasma Rifle: Shoots out visible Brute Plasma Rifle. Brute Plasma Rifle: Shoots out visible Plasma Rifle. Smg: Sniper Bullets from above about 6 of them. Needler: Beam Rifle Bullets from above about 6 of them. Shotgun: 5 Tank shoots from above. Plama Pistol: Uncharged shots out one those concrete things. Charged: Plasma Turrets. Beam Rifle: Shoots out Awning_def. Rocket: [Not Locked-On] Shoots out a Chaingun Turrets. [Locked-On] Makes hinge lights that are visible for everyone. Sentinel Beam: Makes you go flying really far. oh And make sure its xbox live Compatible. Not Related: And just out of curiousity is it possible too make another gate somewheres else and put a switch somewhere else as well and be able too just open that on?
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